69- The Battle of Althybene

Start from the beginning

I notice Rhys's arrow like tail is just like theirs, his scales are a brilliant white while theirs seems faded, dirty, some have blood, others have holes missing from their bodies, like they're zombies.

" Tell me everything about wyverns!" I demand to Rhys as we fly over head.

" They're basically like a dragon, their fire can hurt us. But they rather kill themselves killing a dragon. They'll latch on and makes us fall to their deaths. Those other ones... Those are reborns."

" Reborns?"

Just then there was a shriek coming from the side of me. I whip my head over to see Hetta getting knocked off Managda, her green clubtail by a....

It almost looked like a morphed human, but the skin was faded gray like venin and more pointed with monster like features. The beast shrills tryong to snap at Hetta as they plummet to the ground.

" Hetta!" I scream and we dive after her, beating her dragon. I ready a dagger as I stab it into the creatures head. It screams, crumbling off of her and into the ground below. As it falls it transforms back into... a girl. A younger girl, no older then us with bright red hair, she slams into the ground dead.

She was already dead, dead like she's been dead for a few weeks. Her body pale, eyes clouded and open....Shit...they turn back into the people they...

Imogen races to out side on her dragon " I know her...She was...a flier.. Tora... They... They're turning people."

That fact alone made me want to throw up as we look at her then the havoc around us. Her dragons comes to Rhys side which he fumbles back onto looking at me. " Thank you."

I nod. " How do we save them Rhys?"

" They're already dead inside." He answers solemnly.

I look at the girls. " We need to kill them, he said any that are...changed are already dead."

They swallow and both nod taking off.

I take one more look at the wilted redhead before Rhys takes off again, more of those things appear right out of thin air, same with the damn wyvern.

" I can feel something in that tower..." Rhys informs. " I'm guessing that's what they're after. I'll relay the message to the dragons and gryphons.."

" YOu can talk to both?!"

" Yes, we did used to live in harmony once."

" Did you tell them about the reborns?"

" Yes."

We circled the town again, searching for civillians. " Rhys! Right there!"

There was two twin boys hobbling out of a burning building already bloodied One falls convulsing before he still while the other bot screams for his brother. Rhys narrows and swoops them up, they shrill but I quickly reach over to look at them. " Your alright! We're geeting you to safety!"

The one nods teary eyed. " He was bitten..by those things... they-" he cut himself off, coughing profusely, black matter spews from his mouth, his eyes changing as they he growls trying to bite Rhys claw.

He quickly lets the one go...falling... " Rhys!" I scream.

" They were infected.... Reborns can make other reborns."

Again I try to level my breathing as the severity of these creations. And if we can't catch a break, a wyvern swoops from the left of us, about to sink his talons into me when I throw my hands up, fire spewing out of them, sending the beast into burning, rotting flesh then soon dust.

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