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The moment new life blessed Star and me, we knew

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The moment new life blessed Star and me, we knew. Yet, I chose to bask in the certainty of waiting. I secretly consulted Dr. Johnson, a secret I kept from my mate and brother. I wanted this news to burst upon them like a surprise sunrise.

I wanted Marcos to be the first to hear it if it was true. When Dr. Johnson confirmed my pregnancy, I made him promised to keep it confidential.

I was ecstatic yet filled with apprehension and fear. What if Marcos wasn't ready for the pitter-patter of tiny paws so soon into our relationship? Thus, I decided to bide my time to see if he would sense it himself without my revelation.

As weeks passed without him realizing, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of frustration, anxiety, and a dash of gloom.

Trayvon and I have been striving to secure our GEDs online, with Xander and Jadyn assisting. Occasionally, even Emily and Stephanie step in to help.

To say it's a tough grind would be putting it mildly. I don't remember the last time we set foot in a school. Given the fuck-up parents we were stuck with, I doubt we ever did.

My mind is still foggy about some parts of my past, and I'm pretty sure my wolf, Star, has much to do with those memories. Trayvon seems to be in the same boat, probably because Sol, my brother's wolf, is doing the same for him. It's their way of safeguarding us, and I couldn't appreciate them more for it.

I also discovered that my brother had gone into heat three days after I did. We had a conversation, and he told me that he had taken precautions not to get pregnant yet, but the injection the doctor gave him wasn't a hundred percent effective, given our special Omega status.

I do think he's too young to have that kind of responsibility. I want him to enjoy his life with his mate first. We had a harrowing life; we didn't get to enjoy growing up like normal kids did. I want him to finish school, get a degree, and travel. Is it wrong to wish for him as his older brother the joys of youth we never tasted?

I know I don't have the right to meddle; it's his life and his choice to live it how he wants. Plus, I have to thank the Goddess that he has a good mate who loves him unconditionally.

Javier is undoubtedly a good man. His past is difficult to digest, but as long as it doesn't cause any harm to my brother, I'm prepared to overlook it. 

I don't concern myself with people's opinions and whether they concur with my way of thinking, but Trayvon is my little brother and the only blood relative I have left. I've always been his protector, even if it resulted in harsher punishments for me, but I would willingly endure that hell again if it meant keeping my baby brother safe. I won't let anyone else ever hurt him again.

It was heart-wrenching when I found out about Dr. Johnson's past. Over the weeks, the doctor, Trayvon, Gabriel, and I have formed a close bond, possibly because our pasts are similar.

Dr. Johnson, a man of gentleness and quiet strength, always extended his hand to those in need. His assistance wasn't limited to medical matters; he lent his skills to the pack in any way necessary.

I shook my head, trying to clear these thoughts. Now, back to what I was saying about my oblivious mate. The day they discovered Dr. Johnson was a day of contrasting emotions for me. It was a day of sorrow because I couldn't fathom why anyone would inflict harm on a kind soul like Johnson. 

Trayvon, Elder Ruth, and I met with the Omegas and a few pack members to discuss an idea my brother and I had come up with when we heard Manuel through the pack link. I was feeling a surge of emotions, more than I could bear. It took my wolf, Star, to help me regain my composure.

Elder Ruth, Gabriel, Trayvon, and I exchanged silent understanding. We then directed our attention to the fretful werewolves around us. They were on pins and needles, their anxiety fueled by the news our warriors had relayed—our esteemed Dr. Johnson had been found wounded at the northern border.

I turned to them and reassured, "He'll be ok," I declared, yet doubt gnawed at my soul, unsure of the condition our dear Omega doctor was even in.

Suddenly, I heard my mate giving orders to our higher-ups through the pack link. A few of our warriors made their way towards where we were. They bowed their heads in respect before one of them said, "Sorry, Luna Aiyden, but you'll need to come with us. Alpha's orders are for your safety."

After signaling Trayvon and Elder Ruth, I shook my head and said, "We won't be joining you. Please escort the others to the pack house, ensure the pups and the rest are safe, and send a few warriors to check if everyone is accounted for." They swore to follow my orders, not daring to disobey.

Then, my attention shifted to Jadyn, whose cheeks were streaked with tears. Wrapping him in a comforting embrace, I traced calming patterns on his back and whispered, "Jadyn, I know this is difficult, but please try to hold it together until we discover Johnson's condition. I promise we'll do everything we can to help him." With a nod buried in my embrace, Jadyn stepped back, wiping away his tears, and met my gaze—his eyes, a stormy brown, were tinged with the redness of grief. Standing tall, he mustered his courage. 

"You're right, Luna; we need to be strong." I nodded, embracing him once more. My focus shifted to Emily, Dalia, Nari, and my baby brother, whose arms were wrapped around Gabriel's shoulders.

"I need you guys to help Gabriel, Jadyn, and Alex watch over the Omegas and the pups," I instructed. They nodded earnestly, with Emily responding first.

"Of course, Luna Aiyden." She beckoned to the Omegas and the surrounding warriors, herding the visibly shaken, especially the younger ones. Gabriel, Dalia, and Nari gently took the younger by the hand, leading them to the sanctuary of the Pack House.

Amidst this, Evan's body collided with mine, his arms enveloping me in a protective cocoon. "Stay safe, Luna Aiyden," he murmured before spinning to my brother with a heartfelt plea, "And you, guard yourself well." With that, he dashed off to join the she-wolves, his cheeks rosy.

I chuckled, watching the retreating figures. Besides all the sadness, a surge of happiness was coursing through me. Gabriel, Emily, and Jadyn had become integral parts of our lives. While Dalia and Nari were equally important, Emily had become a sister figure to us, and Jadyn, a caring elder brother, was always concerned about our well-being.

Elder Ruth and Elder Malik had taken on the roles of parental figures for Trayvon and me.

Gabriel...well, he was unique, not just as Trayvon's protector but also for his resilience and personal growth. Despite his past, the Omega with Beta blood had become stronger and more self-assured, thanks to his mate Parker, Dr. Johnson, and Branden-Lee. Gabriel still harbored a fear of dominant males, but he was making steady progress in overcoming it.

Suddenly, a wave of unease and sorrow washed over me, unmistakably emanating from my wolf. "Star, talk to me," I reached out through our bond. His reply was laced with concern.

"I can't shake this unease; Niko's gentle spirit reminds me so much of Lana. We need to leave now!"...


AN: I know it's a boring chapter, but I wanted you guys to know how Aiyden and Trayvon's lives have changed. 🫣

See you guys soon.

Continues next



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