chapter 11

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Y/n pov

"I'll thank you to step away from my wife!" He placed his hand on his neck as he started to massage it. Then, a hysterical laughter escaped from his mouth. Jungkook and I looked at each other, waiting for anger to kick in.
"What wife?! If this is some kind of sick joke, that's not funny at all." He stared at Jungkook ferociously.
"Do I look like I'm kidding?!" Jungkook held his head up high, not feeling intimidated at all.
"What is he fucking saying, Y/n?!" His tone of voice and angry glare, startled me. All of a sudden, he grabbed my hand as his eyes went straight to my wedding ring. I shook my hand violently, putting a distance between us.
"Y/n, go. I'll handle this." Jungkook squeezed my waist possessively as he gestured me to leave. And all of this while Yoongi was still trying to get a grip of reality.
"She doesn't go anywhere, okay?! No one goes fucking anywhere!" His range of voice alternated between irritation and rage.
"You need to calm down, okay?!" He looked at me with crazed eyes while quivering like a leaf. He was probably on the verge of a mental breakdown. My heart stiffened as I watched the corner of his lips tremble uncontrollably. He was still shaken by the news and I wasn't in the right mind to argue with him.
"Yoongi, you need to leave, please." I looked at him with pleading eyes, thinking he'd cave in and leave.
"You said we'll talk when you got back to Seoul. Now, talk! Talk dammit, talk!" Every time Yoongi raised his voice, Jungkook placed himself in front of me, making him even angrier for as now there was a physical barrier between us.
"This is not a good time. I had a really bad day and I don't want to argue with you." I said calmly.
"You had a bad day?! Really?! It looks like you were having a perfect day. Did you take your work home?!" He sneered in derision.
"You fucking bastard!" Jungkook hit him, making him bang his head on the wall. A slightly visible cut on the left of his forehead started bleeding a bit. I knew he was hurting and feeling disoriented but he had no right to take it out on me. He had had all of these months to come clean with me and didn't do it.
"Please, just leave! Go away! Honestly, I've got nothing to say to you, at this point." He huffed, still incredulous from the words coming out of my mouth. As if he couldn't believe I was the person pronouncing them.
"No one moves from here without an explanation." He bumped his fist on the wall next to him. I saw him wince from the impact.
"We don't owe you or anyone any explanation, okay?! But since you want one at all costs, I'll email you our wedding certificate." Jungkook replied, making Yoongi even more reckless.
"WE?! Really, Y/n?! You and him are WE now?!" He looked at me like a lunatic on crack. Seeing as Yoongi had no intention to leave, Jungkook addressed me again as he patted my back.
"You go get dressed, sweetheart. I'll handle things here." At the mention of the endearing word, Yoongi was about to run after me. Jungkook blocked him as I walked to my bedroom, closing the door to Yoongi screaming out loud.
"Y/n, come here! Damn you, Y/n!"

JK pov

"I'm going to kill you!" He threatened me as I released him. His voice low and deep as he stared into my eyes. He massaged the bump on his head where the blood had started to coagulate.
"I'm not afraid of your empty threats. Just stop showing up on her doorstep whenever you feel like it." I raised an eyebrow.
"And who the hell are you to stop me from seeing her?! Huh?!" His breathing shallower and faster.
"I'm her husband! That's who I fucking am." I got close to him, placing my left hand in front of his face, showing off my wedding band.
"See this?! This is all real. I told you she was gonna be mine." A look of satisfaction crept into my face when he clenched his jaw.
"Now, get out! Before I call security and tell them you've been harassing my wife." Whenever I pronounced the word wife, he looked at me with a predatory gaze.
"This is so not over, JayKay. Mark my words! I'm gonna snitch her away from you when you least expect it." I wanted to clench my hand around his throat and choke him.
"Do your worst, Yoongi. I'll say hi to Y/n for you." I slammed the door to his face and went to check in on Y/n. She was still wearing her bathrobe as she stared outside the window, watching him leave the building. She heard me open the door but she still had her back on me.
"Hey, are you okay?!" She finally turned around, humming in agreement.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was wondering how he managed to figure out the pass code. Am I that predictable?!" She asked with a nervous chuckle, avoiding eye contact.
"No, you're not. It's just that... ughh... he probably knows you so well. I'm actually jealous." At the mention of jealousy she turned her head swiftly and let out a tiny gasp. Realizing what I just blurted out loud, I tried not to brood over it for too long and brushed it off. After clearing my voice, I asked.
"Are you feeling sorry for him?! I would understand if you did. It's only natural, I mean. You've been together for so long." She walked toward the bed and made herself comfortable before answering.
"What I once felt for him, has not been there for a long time. I just didn't want him to find out like this. So many things happened since this morning that it feels like I've lived a full week in the span of hours. There are things you need to know but now I really need to collect my thoughts." She looked exhausted and Yoongi was the last straw for today.
"I'll prepare something to eat, okay?! But first, let me text your brother and tell him you're okay. I don't want to get in trouble with him since day one." She voiced a mute thank you as she walked towards the closet to find something to wear.

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