chapter 10 🔞

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this chapter will contain mature content
read at your own discretion

Y/n pov

"We believe that... Yoongi might not have cheated on you." I laughed nervously, thinking this was a bad joke, but none of them reciprocated. Seeing that they were serious, I asked.
"What?! What the hell are you talking about?! I saw it with my two own eyes. You also saw the picture. And let's not forget that he admitted it himself." I kept shaking my head in denial.
"We've come by some new information, and it's almost sure that dad has framed Yoongi." Joonie explained roughly, without getting into too much detail, which ignited my curiosity even more.
"What do you mean?! Could you please explain!" Namjoon took out his phone.
"This was from two days ago." His expression looked dispirited as he searched for something in it. Then, he opened up an audio file and hit play.
"I lost her because of you!" It was Yoongi's voice.
"No, you lost her because of yourself. She caught you in bed with another woman. Have you forgotten?!" My father retorted back.
"I had never seen that girl before, and you know it. How did she end up in my bed, huh?! She had been dead for a while when I woke up!" I gasped in shock, placing a hand over my mouth. Jin rushed to hold me, but I urged him to stay put.
"You explain it to me. It wasn't me who woke up with a dead stranger in his bed."
"I would never cheat on Y/n. I shouldn't have panicked. Instead of calling you, I should have called the police. My dad told me to be aware of you, but I didn't listen to him." There were screeching sounds in the background. Maybe Yoongi felt uncomfortable in his chair and moved restlessly.
"Your dad better sleep with an eye open. He has done his fair share of wrong deeds. Ask him what he did." My dad replied with sneering arrogance.
"I know what YOU did. Your whole empire is built on other people's misery." Yoongi replied firmly, though keeping a low voice.
"You're family's too, don't forget that. Do you think you can build an empire without walking on some people?!"
"That "people, "as you call him, was one of your best friends." I gasped loudly.
"Remind that to your father, too. It's too late to have a change of heart. If I go down, you both go down with me." My dad threatened him.
"My priority is Y/n right now. I'll prove it that I didn't cheat on her, even if it's the last thing I did. I've never touched another woman while I was with her." He was adamant about that point.
"Good luck with that, then. There's something like a six hour gap you remember nothing about. Do you think she'll believe you?! She saw you with her own two eyes."
"It was all of your doing, wasn't it?! You knew she was coming to surprise me, and you orchestrated everything."
"Can you prove it?!" My father scoffed. I could even sense a triumphant smirk in his tone of voice.
"And, looks like she's got her eyes on someone else." He added.
"He means nothing to her. She's just using him to make me jealous. Her and I are destined to be together." My father chuckled loudly and commented.
"Destiny is a funny thing, indeed. She was meant for someone else before your father, and I made a deal that night."
"What do you mean?!" Yoongi asked angrily.
"I don't need to give you explanations, young man. All you need to do is keep your mouth shut, and you'll be fine."
"How can I trust a man who was able to kill his own child?!" After a few seconds, we heard the office door slammed shut, and the audio ended. I was holding my mouth with both hands now. Screaming voicelessly and trembling as tears streamed down my cheeks. Taehyung reached to me immediately and held me in his arms. Jimin was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, offering it to me.
"Drink this. You'll feel better afterward." I just nodded and took the coffee cup in my shaky hands. We stayed in silence for a while as Joonie and Jin made me sit in between them, patting my back and caressing my hair to calm me down. No one was able to say anything. We kept rewinding every word in our heads.
"What did he mean by child? What child?!" I asked as I was done drinking the coffee and collected myself a bit. Of all the bad things he was capable of, this went definitely beyond our expectations.
"We have no idea. Knowing our father, I wouldn't be surprised if he had other children we know nothing about."
"If what Yoongi said was true then... " The remaining words got stuck in my throat.
"This is murder." Taehyung finished what everyone was trying to refrain themselves from saying out loud.
"How did you manage to get the footage?" I asked in another moment of lucidity.
"Joonie put a mole in dad's office. When you asked me to find more about Jungkook, I asked Joonie to help me out. We thought we'd find something more about him, but... " Jin explained.
"Joonie, what do you think?" He shook his head.
"I think we need to investigate. Who knows what else he could have done. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that we're living our lives on someone else's unhappiness." I started to shiver thinking about last night's conversation with Jungkook about how little we knew about the people closest to us.
"Jungkook warned me about dad being able to go to such lengths, but I didn't believe him. Or probably, I didn't want to." I said, holding on to the empty cup in my hand for comfort.
"I know. I felt the same the first time I heard the audio. I didn't even tell the guys right away. I felt so shocked and betrayed that I wasn't even able to look at him in the eye for days. I kept avoiding him as much as I could. Otherwise, I would've retaliated and messed up everything."
"Can I tell Jungkook about it? I think he needs to hear it, too." I saw them furrowing their brows in unison.
"Do you trust him?" Jin asked.
"I do." I replied right away.
"If what Yoongi says is true and he really hasn't cheated on you then... What are you gonna do, then?!" Jimin inquired, almost fearful of the timing of such question.
"I have no idea. I'm really confused right now. A couple of months ago, even if I had had the slightest doubt that he might not have cheated on me, it would have made me run straight into his arms, but now... " They looked at each other but didn't say anything.
"I gotta get ready for work." I said after the overwhelming silence started to get too deafening.
"Are you sure?! You can always ask Jungkook... " Taehyung began saying.
"I need to talk to him anyway. And I need to get a breath of fresh air." I sighed.
"One of us can stay with you if you want? We can wait until you get ready and give you a lift to your workplace." Taehyung insisted while looking at the others who nodded.
"No, I'll be fine. I just need some time alone to think." They nodded, deciding to give me some space.
"Call us at any hour. We'll keep you updated." They hugged me and left.

unlovingly yours (Jungkook FF 21+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt