If I turn this note in, maybe I'll get an update? First, I need to make sure that it's identical to the first one. I have a picture of it on my phone. Next, I need to decide if saying anything will be a smart move. I don't want to accuse my math teacher for something he probably didn't do, but...there's just no way this is a silly coincidence.

"So," Jack says, breaking the awkward silence, "How's that sick relative of yours doing?"

Mr. Black already appeared annoyed with Jack. "They're fine. Still sick though. After tonight, I will return to them and continue their care. How is your math grade doing?"

I was surprised that he asked a question back, partaking in small talk. Jack grins at the question, taking me by surprise as well. "Oh, it's much better, now that we have a new math teacher. No offense."

I inwardly bit my lip to stop myself from smirking. I kept my gaze ahead, knowing that if I looked at Jack I probably would break into a laughing grin. He's so ornery.

Mr. Black pursed his lips, probably to hide a snarl, and hums a response. "None taken," he grumbled.

The rest of our walk was in silence and I couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It certainly was excruciating. I've never felt such relief at parting with him.

"Please help yourself to some food and drink," I tell him. "If there is anything you need, please feel free to ask any of our servers. They will be glad to help."

Mr. Black nods. "Thank you, Elsa. Beautiful and kind as always. Before you leave, there is something I would like to ask."

My stomach twists again at his compliment. Beautiful and kind. I should happily accept it and be flattered, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That's weird coming from a teacher I never really talked to all that much before and who hasn't been present at the school for a while. "And what may that be?"

"I, unfortunately, wasn't there for Mrs. Robinson's Musical Compilation Play, but I did see the video the school released on their website page. You and Rosetta sang amazingly as Elphaba and Glinda. It was a shame we didn't hear more from you. If it's not a bother, I would like to hear from you now. A Christmas song perhaps? Consider it a Christmas gift to me. I did get you the flowers after all."

I pursed my lips and tried to hide the dislike from my face. More singing. Great. I'm not opposed to singing, but I really just wanted to relax this evening. Singing can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, especially in a room full of people. But...it can also be fun with the right people.

"Of course," I force out, "I'll get right to it. Excuse me." I linked my arm through Jack's and practically dragged us away.

When we were out of earshot, Jack said: "You're really gonna sing for him?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm gonna sing for you and my friends and everyone else in the room."

"Because he asked you to," Jack grumbles. "He also got you flowers. That's fucking weird. You're his student. Well, former student, technically, since he's currently not there, but still. If the flowers were addressed to your whole family, I guess it wouldn't be a big deal, but he addressed them to you only. That's weird, babe. Plus, just because he gave you something doesn't mean you're obligated to return the favor. It's just...weird."

That's not the only weird thing, I thought to myself and debated on if I should tell him about the handwriting. But first, I have to look at the picture of the first one on my phone to compare. I want to tell him right now, so very badly, but I don't want to freak him out. He's already weirded out over the fact that I was given flowers, and rightfully so. He's also my boyfriend and with that comes his protectiveness. What if he tries to take matters into his own hands?

No, I probably shouldn't tell him my suspicion right now. This is supposed to be a fun, jolly night. I will worry about it later.

"I know, but let's not worry about it," I say, gently. "We're gonna have fun tonight. Don't worry about our weird teacher, okay? Or has the infamous Jack Frost forgotten how to have fun?"

Jack playfully glares at me. "Oh, I'll show you fun. Just you wait."

I'm not sure what he meant by that, but it sent butterflies to my stomach.

When we made it back to my friend group, I grabbed hold of my sister and cousin's hands. "Come. A guest of ours is requesting a song from us."

The two of them gasp, excitedly, and onward we went toward the live band. I told them the song we would like to sing and once we were all ready, we began our performance.

"Maybe it's much too early in the game

Ah, but I thought I'd ask you just the same

What are you doing New Year's

New Year's Eve?"--Me

"Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight

When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night

Welcoming in the New Year

New Year's Eve, oh"--Rapunzel

"Maybe I'm crazy to suppose

I'd ever be the one you chose

Out of the thousand invitations

You receive, oh"--Anna

"Ah, but in case I stand one little chance

Here comes the jackpot question in advance, babe

What are you doing New Year's

New Year's Eve, oh"--Me

I kept my eyes glued to Jack as the crowd watched and admired the three of us. But as I stared into his eyes, I found myself drowning everyone out. While I knew I was in a room full of people, he made me feel as if we were the only two. I wondered if Rapunzel and Anna felt the same with Flynn and Kristoff. The two of them stood next to Jack, all three wearing goofy smiles.

The song was over quickly, and when we finished, we all took a bow as the audience cheered and clapped. Rapunzel and I then made our way to leave, but Anna stayed behind to say: "I will gladly do more songs! Just let me know what you want to hear and I'll be right back to give you what you want!"

Some people laughed at her silliness, but I don't think they realized just how serious she is.

When we made it back to our friend group again, the first person to say something was Flynn, who said to Rapunzel: "If you wanted to spend New Years with me, you could have just asked. No need to sing it in front of everyone."

Rapunzel rolls her eyes with a smile. "I figured you'd appreciate the grand gesture." She jokes, matching his energy.

He grins ear to ear. "You know me so well, Blondie."

Jack kisses my temple then, gaining my attention. "To answer your question though: I'm pretty sure I can squeeze you in my New Years schedule somewhere." He winks and I laugh.

"I'm looking forward to it."

And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to plan our New Year's activities, and Valentines, and Spring Break, and Prom, and Graduation Party, and of course all the things we can do in the Summer! I'm not going to worry about Hans or Mr. Black or my parents or what Jack and I are going to do for college. I'm going to focus on making memories with him and our friends. I'm going to focus on all the fun activities and adventures we'll have in the new year. I'm going to focus on the good, not the bad.

I deserve the good. For years, I've let guilt convince me I deserve all the bad. Not anymore. I'm going to start the new year positive.

And I simply can't wait.




A.N: Song is What Are You Doing New Years Eve by Idina Menzel :)

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