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kaia's arms are wrapped tightly around matt's torso, her head buried in his chest as she tries to drown out any noise around her.

his arms are holding her tightly above her shoulders, staring at james as chris lays into him.

because of the sheer volume of people in the house, not nearly everyone noticed this interaction, but enough people to get nick and nathan's attention from the kitchen.

chloe was standing behind chris and looked over to see nick and nathan jogging over to them.

"what the hell is happening?" nick shouts to chloe, seeing the state that kaia is in.

as nick and nathan joined the group, they quickly understood exactly what was happening.

"where the fuck do you get off? huh? what the fuck is wrong with you?" chris berates james.

"all you washed up wannabe celebrities, you really think you're so cool because you have millions of teenage girls watching you? that's fucking pathetic. you too, kaia! stop fucking ignoring me!" james yells.

at this point, kaia was completely dissociated and barely in her own mind. she couldn't hear matt whispering to her, let alone james yelling.

nick steps infront of chris so there's another layer between james and kaia.

"you need to leave." nick says calmly.

"woah, woah, woah. what the hell is going on, guys? i'm so confused, i just wanted to introduce my friend to kaia. what beef is there? what happened?" zeke interrupts.

"he cheated on kaia and tried to attack matt a few months ago, he's been making our lives a living hell everytime we see him." nick explains.

"not too bad, though. judging by the fact that you got your ass whooped by two girls and i'll gladly fucking do it again." chloe begins shouting at him, stepping out from behind chris as a small crowd starts to form.

"ready for round two, then? i'm not exactly a gentleman, i'm not scared to hit a bitch like you." james steps towards chloe.

"you're not fucking hitting anybody, get the fuck out." chris stops him.

"james, can you leave? this is ridiculous. i don't want you in my house, we're not fucking friends anymore." zeke looks at james.

"you too? all you dirty fucking faggots can't keep your bitch ass emotions to yourself, all you do is cause a problem everywhere you go." james spits at him.

"get the fuck out of my house." zeke points to the door.

"why? what are you gonna do?" james taunts him, stepping closer.

zeke shoves him back and out of his face. james swings on zeke and connects one good punch, sending zeke to the floor.

nick immediately steps forward and absolutely clocks james in the face. he falls to the ground and holds his face, getting angry and standing up after a few seconds.

two dudes from the football team step in and grab james before he swings again, physically dragging him out of the party and watching him angrily drive off in his car.

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