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irl, social media

the bell rings, and kaia grabs chloe's hand to walk to the library.

"dude, yesterday was a one time thing. what if he tries to talk to me again?" kaia asks nervously.

"just ignore him. or i'll change the topic. stop stressing about it." chloe laughs.

the girls enter the library and sit down with nick and chris.

"how you feeling, babe?" nick asks kaia.

"like shit. james never showed up, i'm scared he's gonna pop up from around the corner or something." kaia jokes.

"we'll be right here with you." chris adds.

"is matt coming here?" kaia asks.

"not sure. he's probably still gonna stay away for a bit and give you space unless you say otherwise." nick answers.

"chris, what did you say to him this morning?" kaia turns her attention to chris.

"we just talked about what happened last night. he said he's not gonna start acting like anything changed." chris replies.

"phew, good." chloe rubs kaia's back.

the two girls are cuddled up in the bean bag chair as always. they're sharing airpods and listening to music.

nick, nate, and chris are working on school work together when chris notices his phone light up; a text from matt.



what matt i'm busy

it's like 30⁰ outside i can't sit in the car i'll cook

my problem how??

duh i want to sit in the library
you have to ask
i'm circling the car

i thought you said you weren't gonna act different
you have to play it cool around her bro

i'm not acting different its a million degrees outside and i'll die if im out here the whole period and theres nowhere else to sit inside than the library

dude one sec

james' car just pulled up
i'm pretty sure he's looking at me

are you kidding
be 100% fr w me rn

chris come outside
bring nick
right now
read 9:31am


"nick, we need to go outside right now." chris stands up from his chair.

"what's going on?" kaia takes out her airpod.

"james is outside with matt. we're leaving." chris leaves the library, nick, kaia, and chloe behind him.

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