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irl, social media

chloe slowly opens the door and kaia sits up, wiping her tears and snot when they all walk in.

"oh, honey." chloe walks up to kaia's bed and sits down with her.

chloe wraps her arms around kaia and she hugs her back, starting to cry more. she holds the back of kaia's head and plays with her hair while she's crying, nick and chris walk in and sit down on the little couch in her room.

kaia's mind flashes back to everytime she would be crying like this and matt was the one to hug her. he would lay down with her in this exact spot and hold her and tell her everything was gonna be okay, now he is the reason everything is not okay.

kaia lets go of the hug and dries her face off again.

"sorry you guys had to miss school for this shit." she tries to laugh.

"don't even worry about it. you really think we wanted to go anyway?" nick jokes.

"this feels like the worst breakup i've ever been through and we never even dated." kaia sniffles.

"is that a bad thing? do you wish you did date him?" chloe asks.

"no. i mean, i don't know. matt's always been my bestfriend. i'm with him constantly and i love him so much, i just can't believe he hates me now." kaia blows her nose.

"i promise you, the last thing in the universe matt would ever feel for you is hate. wanna tell us what happened?" nick asks.

"well, he picked me up here this morning and i ran up and jumped into his arms and we were all happy and everything was great. then he said he had something to tell me but he insisted i tell him first, so i told him that i agreed to go on a date with james tomorrow and he completely shut down. like he even got out of the car and hunched over, i literally ran out to see if he was okay and he said he just had a big breakfast." kaia explains.

chloe, nick, and chris all chuckle.

"guys." kaia looks at them.

"sorry. continue." chris says.

"then he said he felt sick and asked me to drive him home so i did, but he wouldn't look at me the whole time so before he could get out i locked the door and made him look at me." she continued.

"bet he liked that." nick whispers to himself.

"nick, really?" she tosses a snotty tissue at him.

"ugh, gross!" he shoves it off.

"anyway. i said he was my bestfriend and should be happy for me and he got mad and said "you really can't think of one fucking reason i'd be upset?" and he was yelling and i started crying. then he looked sad and i started yelling at him because like, what the fuck?" kaia makes a confused face.

"duh." nick and chloe roll their eyes.

"then, ummmm...." kaia hesitates.

"spit it out, kaia." chris laughs.

"then he tried to kiss me." she makes a guilty face at her friends.

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