10. Chapter Ten

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Over the past six weeks, a noticeable shift had occurred in the Kim's kingdom. The land had a calm, peaceful vibe while still exuding a formidable aura of authority that had been impossible to overlook. As one strolled through the kingdom, it became clear that a transformation had occurred. A calm and peaceful ambiance had replaced the previously intense and chaotic atmosphere. Nevertheless, the fundamental power dynamic persisted, and it was evident that the kingdom's most recent ruler had an even firmer grip on authority.

Namjoon was a witness to this and was struck by the commanding presence that Taehyung exuded as they walked through the crowd of Alphas. He couldn't help but notice how the Alphas respectfully lowered their heads in admiration as Taehyung passed by.

Taehyung's mere presence commanded attention. Given his position as king, it was expected that people would bow before him. Yet, an unmistakable presence surrounded him, making it difficult to ignore. Namjoon also picked up on this; it wasn't just a hunch he had. It was something that everyone could sense. Taehyung had a way of making his presence known even before he stepped into a room. 

Namjoon's feelings had been mixed as he observed the noticeable shift in Taehyung's presence. As this obvious change confused him, he couldn't shake off the growing sense of unease, fearing the unimaginable possibilities behind this change.

As the door shut behind them, Taehyung and Namjoon entered a dimly lit private room. Namjoon's eyes were drawn to Taehyung, who moved with a quiet grace, as if he was acutely aware of Namjoon's every glance.

Taehyung fixed his gaze on Namjoon as he sat back in his chair. "Tell me, what's on your mind?" he demanded, his tone firm and assertive. He wanted to get to the heart of the matter and discover what was troubling Namjoon. Namjoon could sense the urgency in Taehyung's voice and knew he needed to answer, "I am not thinking of anything right now." 

"Are you sure?" Taehyung arched an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing at the corner of his mouth. It seems like you've been keeping a close eye on me," he remarked. "If I had no prior knowledge, I might mistake you for a spy."

"A spy? Taehyung, you're well aware of my true nature," Namjoon sputtered, taken aback by Taehyung's thoughts. "Apologies if my behavior has seemed off. I have been absent-minded a lot lately, and you have been doing a lot of missions alone, which worries me, especially for your safety."

"Interesting. Rest assured, there is no need to be concerned about my safety. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. However, if you want to learn about my solo missions, I'd happily share them. I am confident that you will find this information quite enjoyable." Taehyung spoke, his face adorned with a smile.

Namjoon was more concerned about Taehyung's accompanying smile than his words. He immediately sensed trouble upon hearing the word enjoyable, as Taehyung rarely found anything enjoyable unless it involved him causing chaos.

Taehyung didn't anticipate a response from Namjoon. He could discern that his cousin was lost in thought, attempting to comprehend him. Taehyung possessed an extraordinary ability to read every minute detail on Namjoon's face as if his expressions were an open book.

"Yoongi and Jungkook have started an alliance." With a grin, Taehyung said this. "It's rather charming of them. What possible plans would they have had in mind? Do you know?"

Namjoon's heart raced as he jolted up from his seat, his eyes widening in shock and alarm. "What do you mean they've formed an alliance?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. His mind raced with the implications of such a development, and he couldn't help but wonder how Taehyung had confirmed this. He looked at Taehyung, who seemed oddly calm in the face of such a threatening situation.

Claimed by the Crown | Taejinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें