Worry About That Later!//Chapter 63

Start from the beginning

"Food's ready?" Faythe perked up.

Kokoro spiraled out of the water and did about 8 Summersaults over the group, "Ngagaga, it shmells gweat—!!"

"I commend her for doing that, the least sober as possible." Wyper deadpanned.

Chimney only clapped in awe, "Oh, wow, grandma!!"







"His talents exceed my expectations everytime..."

Sanji glared over at Wyper, "That's because you're finally eating good food with a thing called 'flavor', you brute."

"Would you quit it already—!?" Wyper shook his fist in the air.

Zoro was choking on the side as he had just noticed Sniper King had joined in on the festivities, "Since when!?"

Sanji twirled in a tornado of pure adoration for Robin as he handed her a kabob, "How is it, Robin-twan~!!" He watched her take a bite, "Does it taste good?"

Robin smiled with cheeks full of food, "Yup, it's delicious."

"Strawhat-saaaaaannn!! I heard you woke up!!"

Coming from the entrance was the entirety of the Franky Family. Like I mean every single one of them, barreling through the entrance like it was their own backyard.

Luffy turned to the rising ruckus and noticed them, "HEY!! Franky Family!! Come 'ere and eat!!" He waved them over.

At the mere mention of food, the Franky Family went from a jolly walk to a full on stampede—all beelining for the food.



"Hey, that's a lot of you. Get some meat for us!!"

I'm running in from behind the family we're their loyal Seahorse Sea Kings, sniffing the air for their next big meal.

"It's Sodom and Gomorrah—!!" Chopper cheered happily. He jumped over Sniper King, using Zoro's head as a spring board to get to the other side of the pool.

"Don't run, Tony! You might slip!" Faythe called out, keeping a keen eye on the reindeer.

"Babying as always." Zoro huffed with a smirk.

Faythe sent him a stern look before using her massive wings to splash a massive wave onto him.

Zoro didn't look the least bit amused.

More running and stomping could be heard from the entrance, letting the crowd of pirates and Dismantlers know that more company is approaching.

"I'm starved!"

"Me, too!"



In the front was Paulie, leading the entire division of the Galley-La Company in behind him.



"Guys, what are you doing in the swimming pool area...?" Paulie scanned the area before his eyes landed on Nami's almost nude figure sitting to the side, "GYAAAAAHHH!! YOU SHAMELESS GIRL!!!"

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