Chapter 19: Falling Apart

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The thoughts she kept contained tore at her like claws and knives. She couldn't live bottled up in a small room. She couldn't. She would lose her mind if she stayed. Life was meaningless. She was losing meaning. Nothing she did mattered anymore. She hated who she had let herself become.

She wanted out.


Chris piled his books onto his desk and grumbled as some spilled onto the ground and littered school papers on the floor that he had stuck in between the pages.

His teachers normally assigned an insane amount of homework over the school week.

And no matter the due date, Chris did all his accumulated homework on Friday. So far, nobody had complained or told him not to. It's probably because Chris got all A's anyway.

Chris began his long homework trip while sipped a homemade lemonade his mom had made.

The pages grew longer, and the sentences dragged on. Until Chris couldn't keep his eyes opened and he leaned back and fell asleep.


Jasmine rocked herself in the corner mumbling incoherent nonsense under her breath.

Alex had left her on another one of his stupid missions. She had begged him not to go but he had pushed her back and left, making she the door was locked.

She had become so dependent on him, she couldn't stand when he left. When he left her alone with her thoughts. The thoughts that tore her apart.

She sobbed quietly in the corner. Her thoughts eating her on the inside. Hurtful voices that screamed she was a horrible person. The guilt for leaving her family was killing her.

Unless Alex was there.

He made everything better.

The door clicked and swung open, Jasmine sat oblivious to his presence, until his crouched in front of her and the voices stopped.

She still sobbed, the voices had left their imprint on her. Alex wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

“Jazzy shh.” He comforted her and rubbed her back.

Jasmine slowly stopped crying and looked up at him, ashamed she had been so stupid. She knew he needed to leave. She knew. And she hated that he was her independent. She stilled hated him.

“I wanna go home.” Words she hadn't spoken in years. Words she had wanted to say for years.

He sighed. “I know but your mine. This collar says so.” He slipped two fingers on the inside of the collar and pulled her close to him. His breath fanned over her face.

“Mine.” He growled. Then he kissed her to prove his point.

She kissed back and even though she knew with all her heart that this was horrible and disgusting. She couldn't help but want more every time.

He deepened the kiss and pulled her fully into his lap. She tried to push back now but he growled and tightened his grip on her.

Alex broke the kiss and grabbed his jaw roughly.

“I know you want this.” He hissed, pulling her closer. “I can sense your desire. So stop resisting me.”

Jasmine looked away and bit her lip to stop herself from crying. When it came to this she was always so conflicted. She didn't want him but she did.

She didn't want to be used. She didn't want this life of imprisonment even if it did mean she got to be with Alex. She simply couldn't do it.

Alex roughly pulled her back into an intoxicating kiss and then she changed her mind again and now she was ok with this.


Chris woke up feeling slightly damp. He sat up and looked around. This wasn't his room. There wasn't even any room in his house. Because the last time he checked his house didn't have moldy office carpet and hideous yellow wallpaper.

Chris stood up and jogged around trying to see if anyone else was in here too. He didn't see anyone. Then he heard a loud screech followed by mechanical stomping. The hallway opposite of Chris burst life and a man ran out. He was closely followed by a huge black monster.

The man nor the monster saw Chris so he ducked into another hallway and peeked his head just in time to watch the monster eat the man whole.

Chris flew back from the corner and crawled backwards.

He must've made a noise because his light was cut out and he saw the huge black monster in front of him.

Chris was sure he was going to die in this unfamiliar place. He screwed his eyes shut and waited to be killed.

But nothing happened.

When Chris opened his eyes the monster was replaced with a man.

“Your related to Jasmine aren't you.” Was the first thing the man said. Although it had been a question Chris felt like the man didn't want it answered.

Chris looked past him.

“Answer me.” The man's voice brought Chris' gaze back to him.

“I-i have an aunt who is named Jasmine.” He stuttered out.

The man clicked his tongue. Then he laughed.

“What a coincidence. I know where your aunt is.”

In Chris’ 13 year old mind, this was giving off all sorts of red flags.

“I think I want to go home..” Chris whimpered out.

The man chuckled. “Of course, what was I thinking? C'mon kid. I'll bring you home.”

The man beckoned Chris closer and he slowly got up and went to the man. The man slipped an arm around the boy and led him down a hall. That boy would never see his family again.

Jasmine slept peacefully in Alex's bed. She didn't know he had left although she wasn't sure she would even care. The voices were gone and she felt awesome.

She loved the way Alex made her feel. She couldn't not stand to leave.

The door softly opened and shut and the bed dipped as Jasmine woke up.

“Hello pet.” The pet name wasn't said with any ill will.  It sounded lovely right now.

“Hi..” Jasmine said as her eyes fluttered shut again. Alex knew she would never be able to leave.

Not even after she found out what he had done to her nephew.

I'm supper proud of this book and have been thinking of doing a second one. But i don't know. If people want a second I can do a second one ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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