Chapter 18: Decisions, decisions

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Jasmine watched in horror as she realized that he wasn't joking.

Her eyes flicked around nervously. She knew she wouldn't survive in the Backrooms especially with Alex hunting her.

Her head hung in defeat and she slowly slithered out of the crevice.

"Fine.." Was her whole response.

A sadistic growled filled the room. "Great."


Jasmine had gone back with Alex that night. He collared her again and told her the rules and threatened death on her family again if she tried to run.

The following weeks were hell for Jasmine. She had to adjust to the Demons schedule and her new life as a pet.

She hated everything about this and just wanted to go home.

Alex almost never left her side and watched her every move. He was there. That was one thing she could count on.

Days rolled by slowly. She woke up, ate, did something under the intimidating gaze of Alex and went to bed.

That's how most days went. She would write, paint, sometimes cook if Alex let her, and read.

Alex always seemed to have food in his house. Maybe it was the magically door but it didn't really bother her. Jasmine would never make it to that door to escape.

Not that she would. She wouldn't put her family's life in danger.

So she became a docile pet to this Demon. She did was he asked and listened. She really didn't talk much after that. She stayed quiet and stayed to herself.

Some nights if Alex was needed, she would either go with him or he would chain her to the wall. He never really trusted her again.

Jasmine became pretty emotionless. The only thoughts she had were about her family. And how they were and if they still thought of her. They probably didn't.

Days turned into months and months turned into 2 years. Over that 2 years Alex slowly began showing her affection. Treating her as a pet. Which at this point in her life, that's what she was. He would pet her and give her little treats, like cookies or candy. He would let her sleep in his bed with him if she had a nightmare. She didn't care at this point.

Nothing she said would make him stop. So she accepted her slow, calm life in hopes that one day she might see her family when she had passed.

The end

JK! I hope I got someone with that. I'm going to do one more part then I'm ending this.

Words 422

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