Chapter 15: Where?

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The next couple weeks Jasmine started to lose the fear that some black monster from the Backrooms was coming for her.

Her life returned to normal. A very good normal.

Her parents stopped fighting. Her and Emily got along and talked all the time again.

Soon those weeks turned to months and school started again. She was a senior and the entire year seemed to fly by in a flash.

Then she went off to collage juggling her part time job and collage work. It was so easy.

Work was going great and she got along with everyone.

But soon her four years of collage were over and she had moved into her own apartment. Her first house.

She soon after got her dream job and things couldn't be better. She bought her first actual house and she soon forgot about Alex.

Her mind never drifted to him again. He never plauged her dreams. The yellow walls and moldy office carpet never appeared.

Jasmine now 29 had a very successful job and a very nice house. While she never dated after Ethan, she found many ways to be happy.

She surrounded herself with friends and family. Emily had married and had two little twin boys, Alejandro and Chris.

She visited them often and enjoyed every second.

The night before her thirtieth birthday she had a nightmare. Yellow walls. Gray office carpet. Monsters of all kinds of evil. And worst of all a hideous black creature.

Jasmine awoke in a cold sweat. Her digital clock read 12:01.

'Happy birthday to me' Jasmine thought grimly as she got out of bed to get a drink of water.

In the pitch black of her house, Jasmine walked downstairs and unto her kitchen. She opened the cup cupboard and grabbed a glass.

Turning to the sink she began filling her glass.


The voice startled her and she dropped the glass into the sink. The action resulted in the glass breaking.

Jasmine spun around and saw a tall figure standing in the shadows of her kitchen.

"Who are you?" Jasmine demanded.

The figured chuckled. "Hmm." He stepped forward and caused her to step back.

"It seems you don't remember me Jasmine." The way her spoke reminded her of someone but she couldn't place it at all.

"Get out before I called the cops." Jasmine threatened.

It didn't faze him.

"Yknow its funny how you forgot me Jasmine. After all,"

He stepped forward, the moon lighting up his smile.

"I told you I would come back for you."


The last time I updated this was in May TvT

437 words

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