Chapter One: Yellow walls

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I hated fighting. Absolutely despised it. So when my mom and dad started fighting about a year ago, my life began to decline.

My friends became toxic and my boyfriend a little too controlling. I couldn't handle it. My cat, Peaches passed away in her sleep. And me and my older sister don't get along anymore.

But tonight things were getting especially bad.


"I don't see why you gotta go and be a bitch about it!" My dad yelled at my mom. We had been having a normal dinner when my dad brought up being fired.

Both my parents were now standing up and screaming at eachother while me and my sister were trying to eat peacefully.

"You lost your job! How the fuck are we going to pay for rent!? Let alone the tv bill you rack up!" Their mother screamed back with just as much force.

My parents continued yelling curse words and threats while my sister finished her food and retreated to her room.

But then the doorbell caused both of my parents to grow quiet and sit back down.

"Jasmine, honey, can you get that for me?" Her mom asked as she continued eating as if she hadn't been yelled at her husband two minutes ago.

I stood up and quickly walked over to the front door and opened it. It was Ethan, my boyfriend.

"Are you ready babe?" He questioned eyeing my outfit.

Shit! We had a night out planned. "Give me a minute to get ready" I said quickly, pulling him in.

"Ok babe." He quickly pull me in for a kiss and let me go.

I rushed upstairs and put on a sleevless back dress with fishnets and a denime jacket. I quickly put on some makeup and completed the look with the gold pearl necklace.

I came back down and picked up my place from dinner before wishing both my parents goodnight.

"OK baby I'm ready." I said as I walked up and kissed my boyfriend's cheek.

"You look nice." Ethan complemented me and we were out the door.

We had planned to head to a nice fancy restaurant and have a nice dinner and the head back to his place.

The dinner went really nice except for the fact Ethan kept messaging someone and wasn't listening to me.

Ignored it though and soon we were heading back to his place. His parents were out for the night. So we had the place to ourselves.

I already had had a bad feeling when he had suggested I come over when his parents wouldn't be there.

We got inside and I followed Ethan up to his bedroom. Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall and whispered.

"Wanna have some fun sweetheart?"

*warning* *attempted rape*

"No Ethan get off of me." I sad slightly pushing him. "Not tonight."

"Oh come on now. Don't be a bitch." Etha said a little more forcefully and slid his hand up my dress.

"Ethan!" I screched. "Dont touch me!" I pushed him away forcefully and ran out of his room and out of the house.

I ran down the street praying his wasn't following me. After a while I stopped. I knew something would go wrong with tonight.

I walked the rest of the way home and went up to my bedroom. My parents were fighting in thier rooms this time.

I changed out of the dress and into sweatpants and a oversized shirt. That was way better than the dress.

I quickly shot Ethan a text saying we were over and plugged in headphones. I started blaring music and blocked Ethans number. It wasn't long before I drifted into sleep.


My dreams were plauged with terrible monsters and never ending hallways, all of them a horrid yellow color.

When I finally woke, the first thing I noticed was that I was not on a bed. More like rough carpet. Had I fallen off my bed?

I opened my eyes and sat up. My eyes widened in horror. I was in a small room with may hallways that led off in different directions. It was the same place from my dreams.

'Omg this isn't happening!' I immediately thought. This was some terrible dream. I would wake soon.

I pinched my arm and blinked multiple times but I stayed here. In the horrid yellow room. What the hell was I going to do?

Finally I got up and began to walk. I knew if I stayed put for long, something would find me. Something terrible.

The more I walked the brighter the lights became and the more the room spun out of focus. I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. That was until I came across a message, sprawled on the wall, possibly in blood.

'Don't go any further your in his territory now...'

Where the actual fuck am I?


Hola Hola new story and don't call me out on anything I say about the backrooms. I know very little lol. Anyways enjoy!

Words 837

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