Chapter Five: Lights out

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The entire room was pitch back. Where was I? In the near pitch black darkness I saw a flashlight.

I picked it up and turned it on. It was one of those heavy police flashlights. Great for hitting people.

I began walking so I could get out of here fast. I sure as hell did not want to encounter any creatures in here.

Soon I didn't know where I had come from and I was wandering aimlessly through the twists and turns of the black level.

Soon the endless walking around was getting to me and the flashlight seemed to weigh me down even more with its weight. And my side wound was definitely slowing me down. It hurt so bad.

Soon I found a dark corner and curled up in it. I clicked the flashlight off and fell asleep.

*** Alex pov

'God damn this girl!' I thought as I tore through the hallways of the fifth level. She couldn't have gotten far.

Then I heard screams. Screams of pain and then of fear. I hurried toward the sound and when I reached the spot, there was a woman's body, torn and bloodied.

'Oh, so it wasn't Jasmine.'

I was about to turn away when I finally realized that this woman's body was right by the door to the next level. The blood sacrifice level. And this woman had a lot of blood.

'Jasmine didnt... did she?'

Then I noticed the faint blood drips and slightly blood ringed footsteps. It was definitely Jasmine. She was in the lights out level.

Then I was too.

*** Jasmine pov

When I awoke there was something in front of me. I screamed and swung the flashlight, clocking the thing directly in the face.

The thing let out a unearthly scream and fell backward. I clicked the flashlight on and pointed it at the creature.

It had pale skin and had plain clothes on. It was had firey red eyes an sharp teeth. It's hands were webbed and looked like they could crawl and stick to things.

The creature stood up and easily was taller than me. It looked angry and it already had a bruise on its face.

"Your lucky you have that fucking collar otherwise you'd be dead." The creature snarled with a femine voice.

"I'm sorry." I said.

It looked at me fiercely and then it softened. "Your just a kid aren't you?"

I nodded and watched the creature step closer, it didn't seem hostile. It came close, too close for comfort.

I slid out of the corner. "Do you know how to find the door out of here?" I asked now holding the flashlight with one hand and the other was holding my side.

"I do. But your hurt, I couldn't let you leave to the next level." The creature offered.

"Sure." I said and the creature motioned for me to follow.

After a bit of walking I asked. "So what's your name?"

"My name is May. My species name is The Mother." May explained as we walked. "Our species isn't harmful at all but since we live in darkness people seem to think so."

"I'm Jasmine." I pause for a second. "Why is your species called The Mother?" I asked.

"We are like mothers, we care for the young kids that come into the Backrooms. Most kids who end up in the Backrooms are brought to us. We have a motherly instinct."

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