Veiled heart

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"A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know." ― Diane Arbus.


Mr. Alexander's gaze shifted between Francis and Mile, his expression unreadable. After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat and addressed Francis directly.

"Are you going to introduce him to me or should I pretend like..."

"Father, what brings you here?" Francis asked, surprised by his father's unexpected visit.

Mr. Alexander raised his eyebrow. "Oh, I didn't know I needed permission to see my own son," he quipped, then turned to Mile, who appeared as though he wished the floor would swallow him. He was well aware that his demeanor could be unsettling and intimidating to most people, but something told him that Mile's discomfort stemmed from another reason. The swollen lips confirmed to him what had transpired.

"I didn't mea....." Francis began.

"I guess I will introduce myself. Vincenzo Alexander," Mr. Alexander interrupted, his eyes fixed on Mile as his hand hovered in the air between them. "His father," he added.

"Oh, I..." Mile snapped back from his shock, "Mile. Mile Romsaithong," he replied, as their hands met in a firm handshake.

Mr. Alexander smiled. "What a beautiful name. No wonder he can't take his eyes off you," he teased, nodding towards his son, who looked completely out of place.

Mile could see the resemblance, but his mind was too chaotic to think straight. All he wanted right now was to just run away from here.

"But who are you? I know all Fran's friends. Well, I guess that depends on your definition of friends, and it can be subjective depending on... that's beside the point. Anyway, I've never seen you before,"Mr. Alexander asked, his scrutinizing gaze fixed on Mile, as if dissecting his every gesture.

Francis's head snapped towards his father, his face filled with disbelief. His father definitely knew Mile, probably had a whole file on him, his family and friends.

"Father, Mile. Mile, my father," Francis said, trying to make things less awkward, but his nerves got the best of him and he blurted out a nonsense.

"We just introduced ourselves, Son," Vincenzo deadpanned.

The words get stuck in Francis' throat as he mentally curse himself.

"I'm his... I work... I mean, worked with your son. We..." Mile stumbled over his words, the weight of Vincenzo scrutiny making it difficult to articulate his thoughts clearly.

"Oh, there is a "WE"," Vincenzo smiled.

Francis glared at his father, but Vincenzo shrugged, not minding the piercing glare.

"Acquaintances," Mile said, feeling uncomfortable.

Vincenzo gave Mile a look says "Try again," but swiftly concealed it behind a neutral expression. The man before him intrigued him, and he sensed that Mile's upfront demeanor was merely a facade. As far as he knew, Mile was the one who kept his son on his toes.

"Well, something tells me I'm at the right place at the wrong time. Should I come back another time?" Vincenzo turned to his son, whose eyes once again were fixed on Mile.

"Oh, no, I was on my way..." Mile stuttered.

"Well then, perfect. I just dropped by to have lunch with my SON. Join us, please," Vincenzo said, once again with a smile.

Mile somehow felt that it was more of a command than a request. The man before him exuded power and was clearly unaccustomed to hearing a no.

"Father....." Francis started.

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