The cataclysmic

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"Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid." ― Fyodor Dostoevsky.


The night was filled with laughter, the sound of joy and merriment floating through the air. But everything changed when Porsche came back from the restroom, the atmosphere becoming strangely quiet and somber. Porsche appeared anxious, his hands fidgeting, his brows furrowed in worry. Seeing that Porsche wasn't having a good time, Mile suggested going back home, and Porsche readily agreed.

In the elevator to his apartment, Miles found himself unable to look away from Porsche's intense eyes, while Porsche himself kept his gaze firmly fixed on the ground. He pondered if his sour mood was a result of something he had done or if it was the culmination of everything that had been happening to him lately.

As soon as they entered the apartment and the door clicked shut, Mile's hand reached out and clasped Porsche's, bringing him to a standstill. As Porsche turned to face him, he could see a myriad of emotions flickering in his eyes. His heart felt like it was in his throat as Porsche locked eyes with him, a blend of nervousness and fear taking hold of him. Slowly, he released his hand, letting it fall to his side. He quickly averted his gaze and hurriedly walked past him, nonchalantly placing his keys on the table. Just as he was about to go to the couch, Mile felt Porsche's hand on his arm, the warmth of his touch causing him to stop in his track and turn around.

In a tender moment, Porsche paused and then embraced Mile tightly, his arms encircling his neck in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry....I never meant....I never meant to......"  Porsche stammered, his words trailing off as he struggled to find the right ones. He tightened his grip on Mile and buried his face in his neck. Mile's hand closed around his tiny waist, a gentle squeeze conveying both protection and affection.

He wished for an eternal moment, where time ceased to exist. Just the two of them. Nothing more. The thing about Porsche is that his love had him trapped like a prisoner. No matter how hard he tried to escape it, it always found its way back to his heart, like an unyielding echo. With closed eyes, he embraced him, holding him even tighter. Mile took slow steps, moving him backwards with their bodies still pressed together. As Porsche's back rested against the wall, he instinctively lowered his head to his chest.

"Please...don't. Don't apologize....don't say it...." Mile whispered. When he tilted his head, his eyes met Porsche's, and they were filled with tears. Slowly, he brings his hand up and gently brushes away the tears. "I don't want to see those beautiful eyes shedding tears,"

A thick, intense silence hung in the air between them. They stared into each other's eyes, trying to decipher the unspoken thoughts hidden within. Porsche couldn't bear to look at him any longer, so he lowered his head and rested it on his chest.

"Are you in pain anywhere?" Mile's whispered words were laced with the sound of his pounding heart, its rapid rhythm a testament to his nervousness.

Porsche's eyes closed tightly as he shook his head.

"Do you want to sleep or watch a movie?" Mile asked, tilting his head to catch a glimpse of Porsche's hidden face on his chest.


Mile headed back to the kitchen to make tea and a late-night snack while Porsche went to take a shower. He felt relieved when he saw that Porsche was doing well today, with no vomiting or pain. Earlier, they had dinner at the restaurant before going for a walk; he took him to a well-known restaurant in his neighborhood that was famous for their soup.

As he poured tea into the mug, his thoughts lingered on what had transpired earlier. He couldn't help but notice the guilt etched on Porsche's face, and it bothered him. He could predict Porsche's forthcoming words, but the last thing he wanted was an apology. He had made a promise to himself that no matter what, if Porsche wanted nothing more than friendship, he would be content with that. Nevertheless, he remained convinced that there must be a reason behind Porsche's unexpected shift in mood that he wasn't privy to.

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