The fall of the Factory

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Tanya, Anakin and Ahsoka were gathered around a hologram of the Factory. Tanya had recommended that Ahsoka should give the Debriefing while Anakin disagreed with her Tanya Argued that It would be beneficial for the young Togruta to debrief the men as it built leadership skills and trust.

"This bridge is our first waypoint. Focus your firepower here and here..." Ahsoka began before skywalker interrupted her.

"Because we must neutralize the guns in order to ensure we can safely attack the factory."

"That. Ugh never mind yes we must clear out the guns and other heavy weapon points to ensure the attack goes a bit more smoothly..."

"And don't forget We will have mage support." Skywalker once again interjected. "combined with aid from the Imperial 1st army and teh American 3rd Marine corps we should be able to seize the factory. Anything else Ahsoka."

"No master you've basically covered everything in my briefing." Ahsoka replied annoyed.

Tanya and Visha weren't exactly impressed. Tanya had wanted to see how Ahsoka handled a command like role and a simple briefing should have been more than an adequate start. However Skywalker had interrupted her.

"General Sereberyakov prepare the men." Tanya ordered.

"Yes mam." Visha replied before hurrying off. 

After Visha left Tanya marched up to the Quarrelling pair that was Master and apprentice.

"You know Skywalker. In the imperial army we senior Officers often want our subordinates to get a taste of command to build up trust." Tanya Interjected glaring at the Jedi Knight.

"yes but you see Ahsoka is Younger than you Imperial officers and I didn't want her to mess up." Anakin weakly defended himself Under Tanya's harsh glare.

"Really. Did You already forget General I was nearly 12 when I was promoted to Major and I was 13 when I became a Lt. Colonel so what your essentially saying Is Ahsoka lacks the skills and Willpower to lead and command troopers huh?"

"No no no That's not what I meant I uh." Anakin stuttered before Tanya raised her hand for silence before activating her radio."

"1st Lieutenant Jager  Can you please come here with your company please."

"Yes mam." Came the Immediate reply.

Anakin was still very confused and now so was Ahsoka. Eventually the young 20 Year old Lieutenant Appeared with his Mage Company.

"You called mam."

"Yes. You see Lieutenant Apparently General Skywalker Has a belief that age reflects a person's ability to lead others into battle. I want to prove him wrong so." Tanya replied while walking up and putting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. "You all will be under the command Of Commander Tano. I trust You won't have a problem with that." Tanya said while glancing back at the Lieutenant.

"No mam no problem at all." The Lieutenant replied eager to serve under a Jedi.

Ahsoka simply smirked at her master who was about to retort before he was interrupted by the arrival of Master unduli and Barris. Dismissing The Lieutenant Unduli wasted no time introducing herself.

"I am Master Luminara Unduli and you must be General Tanya Degurechauf."

"Indeed I am." Tanya replied with a bow of respect. 

"Well Barris aren't you going to introduce yourself."

"Padawan Lerner Barris Offee at your service." Barris introduced her self while doing a curtsy.

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