The battle of geonosis.

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General Tanya stood on the bridge of the lead venator to her right stood her adjutant Lieutenant General Victoryia sereberyakov.

On her left was general Obi wan Kenobi.

"I cannot believe we are back here again." Obi-Wan stated with a sigh.

"Wait what do you mean again?" Tanya questioned. 

Ever since Earth joined the clone wars, she was puzzled by the stories that she had heard from the Jed who had come to earth.

"Yes back when this war started we had to come here to freeze several of our companions who have been trapped here Obi-Wan was among them." Ki adi Mundi replied.

File the general spoke Visha for a call on her earpiece.

"Generals they are ready for our briefing." She informed them as the turned back to the main center where Anakin and Ahsoka entered shortly after.

"All our forces will be concentrated here on this landing zone about 50 clicks from the main factory shield generator." Ki adi Mundi began.

"Tanya and the 1st  imperial army will advance with reinforcements from the American seventh Marine division they along with 200 of their mages will attempt to land about 20 miles to the east of the landing zone to attempt to delay and destroy enemy reinforcements who may be near the landing zone."

Tanya was already concerned with this plan the landing zone she believed was too far from the main fleet and therefore enemy fighter and an aircraft guns may shoot them down .

"I don't mean to disagree master Jedi, but shouldn't we have more fighter coverage for the landing troops? We're dedicating three clone legends, and an entire army to this campaign. We have to be careful. The enemy isn't going to make this easy for us to land. They're going to intercept us the second we leave the main cruisers. Keep in mind the imperial army that I have has around 20 divisions in it. So it will take time for the entire army to descend from the main cruisers to land on Geonosis."

"We are aware of that general, Tanya but we have no choice. We have to land at that zone or else we will not be able to make it to the shield generator."

Reluctantly complied and began preparations for their landing .

Gathering her mage commanders she gave her orders.

"I want the American American mage battalions to cover the gun ships and the landing craft for the army. All imperial mages will advance ahead to try to soften up the enemies air support as well as the anti-aircraft guns that'll be on the ground."

Having been trained by Tanya personally the commanders did not object to her plan and prepared to  execute it.

Her troops were the first to leave the cruisers as they began their decent to the surface.

Due to Tanya's mages being at the front right before the gun ships, they were able to take out a sufficient number of fighters and anti air guns.

With this advantage, her army began it's landing. They suffer some casualties when enemy fighters began to circle around and hit their rear, but they formed up, and the troops began to descend, firing their blasters at an enemy troops that in sight.

"All men push forward. Major right and major Kenneth. I want you to pull back and help the republics landing forces."

Nodding their heads the two went to carry out her orders.

(With skywalker).

The rest of the landing forces did not have the same privilege of having mages to cover them. Anakins ships had under  heavy fire and been forced to land.

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