The Kaiser

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Kaiser Wilhelm the 3rd was for the most part a peace loving ruler he had never wanted the great war. Yet many in his government were shockingly war mongers so he was forced to comply. Many generals sympathized with him and the government was careful that they did not overstep their boundaries with him cause one wrong move and their career would be given to someone else who the Kaiser saw as more capable. 

He managed to step in after they had defeated the federation at the fields of Kalpaza. After that victory he personally sued for peace the Americans and Albish were not hard to convince especially after the Kaiser agreed to hand over the republic colonies as well as the imperial ones to albish control and he agreed to restore the  pre war governments of Dacia and the republic and the entente . 

While there were reparations that the republic and the entente would be forced to pay to the empire Dacia was spared because the emperor was fond of the people and nation but also they had not done a lot of damage to the empire at all.

 A shock to the emperor was the crisis of 1934. Far right wing politicians had taken over the republic while the entente was taken over by communism and teh federation was threatening Dacia . However as a last ditch effort to keep peace in their nations the democratic governments of those nations managed to call for a vote to re unify with the empire. After Dacia and the entente and republic were reunified with the empire and the imperial army quickly arrested the  communists and fascists' under grounds of disturbing the peace no one objected. 

However now he was in a much different situation. Apparently there was some galactic government that existed beyond the known solar system and had come to the empire wishing to speak with him. He had requested time to process this revelation and their request. He then replied asking for them to wait 3 days while he processed the information they had told Tanya. They were currently having a tour of the city with Grand Marshal Degurechauf. 

It had now been 3 days and he was still worried about what this galactic republic was and what they wanted from the fatherland. He was so deep in Though he did not hear the footsteps of the man who entered the throne room.

"you called for me sire."

the emperor was brought back to reality and his reminiscing by the firm voice of his chief Advisor. 

"Yes Frederick I want you to go and bring me our victors. Go with the royal Guard and our finest car at once."

"Sir if I may be so bold to say such a thing. But you seem rather nervous sir."

"I am Frederick. This republic apparently is planet spanning and is far larger then any foe the empire has seen before and they have equipment miles ahead of anything we have. So I hope to make a good impression on them at to avoid any hostilities." 

"of course Sire I understand. I will depart Immediately." He says with a small bow. He then turns and walks' out of the throne room and silence soon filled the room again. The emperor was hopeful He did not believe this republic was a war mongering nation but he also knew that he must be strong and show the republic that the empire would not cower if they did mean to threaten them. 

AUTHORS NOTES: I hope you all liked the chapter. This was more of a introduction to the Kaiser as a character since he will be important for the plot next chapter is what you all have been waiting for. 

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: Fear is often a trick of teh mind center your mind simply by focusing on a memory you are fond of and see the results. Your will is stronger then fear don't let it control you simply relax and breath and remind your body It is safe and secure. 

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