Chapter 18: Let the Games Begin!

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Our fourth day in Boracay. We only have three days more before we go back to our homes.

I woke up and found Reysel eating a hamburger alone.

"Good noon" she told me and pointed the clock on the bedside table. It was already 12:30 p.m.

I stretched my arms and yawned. "What's for breakfast? I mean lunch?" I asked looking around.

"I ordered some hamburgers. Here" she gave me one. We ate the burgers and talked about what happened last night.

After finishing our burgers, we decided to clean our room. It was a mess, as always. 

"Becareful Anna, you might throw a golden ticket away and you don't want to jump into a dumpster again" Reysel said jokingly. We both laughed. We both sighed afterwards. 

"I'm gonna miss Boracay" she said.

"Me too" I agreed. "So what are our plans for today?" I asked.

"Hmmm... well Nicolle has a date with Beiber, the other two couples went on a double date. They told me they were going island hopping" 

I wanted to ask her why she didn't go island hopping with them but seeing her expression while she mentioned their plans I decided to just drop the subject.

"We should all do something together later" I told her.

"Ah we could hold like game tournament or something!" she said excitedly. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning, eating and planning the activity which we agreed to happen after dinner. I invited Louis and he agreed to come right away.

Reysel and I were both very excited for the games we planned. She volunteered to be the facilitator. She told me the games will be for couples and since she didn't have a partner she should just do it.

Everyone arrived right on time. They were all excited about the games. Louis stood near me. 

We were divided into two teams. Team one members were Ran, Mikaela, Nicolle, and Justin. While our we, team number two were me and Louis and Rodcen and John. 

"So the first game would be the food relay! Let me explain how it works. Each team will have two members and each member will have to eat the food infront of them in the shortest time possible, before the next member can eat their food, the member before them needs to finish their food and say done!" Reysel explained.

"The first food is... dan dan... boiled egg! Next... hot instant noodles! Third... cold ice cream! Lastly... a bottle of coke!" she revealed the food.

"Timer starts now!" she said suddenly. I was the first one our team. I cracked the egg and ate it in one bite. Nicolle was also the first person in their team. She laughed at me, seeing my cheeks so full of food and I couldn't help but laugh back. We were both laughing with our mouth full. Everyone laughed along with us.

I finished my egg first and shouted done. Louis was next to me. He ate the noodles but he didn't know it was still very hot and he had to spit it out. I cheered for him and he ate the noodles fast.

Our team was ahead. Louis shouted done and John was next. After him it was Rodcen. She drank the whole bottle in one gulp. We all cheered for her. She burped really loud which made us laugh and shouted done. We won!

"Congratulations team number two! Here are your prizes!" Reysel said handing each of us bottle of coconut juice and a shell.

"What the heck? This is our prize?" John said. We all just laughed. We didn't care about the prizes.

"Okay let's move on to our next game! This time there will be four teams according to your partners!" she said and winked at all of us. I looked at Louise shyly. He moved closer to me which made me blush.

"Our next games goal is to piggyback your partner from this part of the pool until there and back here again. Of course the guy will carry the girl" she said with a mischevious smile on her face.

"Ready! Set! Go!" she said blew her whistle. 

Louis sat at the edge of the pool then he suddenly took his shirt off and motioned me to ride on his back. I was shocked at how sexy he looked. He had sexy abs! He looked smokin hot! I think I'm going to die! 

I climbed on his back and wrapped my arms around him. We were the last ones to go. He held my legs and started swimming. I akwardly cheered for him to give him the energy. We arrived third. Mikaela and Ran won.

I noticed that all of the guys had their shirts off. I guess this is what Reysel planned. Very smart of her, I have to add.

"Mikaela and Ran, here is your prize!" Reysel handed them  a box. They opened the box and were surprised to find two couple rings inside. We all congratulated them.

"Last game! Hahaha" Reysel laughed evily.

"Our last game is... drum roll please! ... a kissing game!"


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