Chapter 8: The Search part III

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I threw Nicolles' golden ticket. I threw Nicolles' golden ticket. I threw Nicolles' golden ticket.

That sentence kept repeating itself on my mind as I was walking through the dark alley beside the hotel where the dumpster was. Normally I would be afraid walking alone in these dark places but right now all I feel is GUILT.

I threw Nicolles' golden ticket. I threw Nicolles' golden ticket. I threw Nicolles' golden ticket.

As soon as Nicolle cried and told me and Reysel that her goldent ticket was missing, I realized that the gold thing which I though was a wrapper of some chocolate bar was actually Nicolles' goldent ticket!

I threw it while I was cleaning our hotel room!

When Nicolle left since I told her to rest, I explained everything to Reysel. At first she was a bit angry at me.

"Do you know how WE fangirls feel?" was the first thing she said.

But after a while she became really understanding and told me we should split up since there are two main dumpters. She would check the one on the left while I would check the one on the right.

I thanked her for being so understanding. But then she looked at me with concern.

"I don't think Nicolle would be very happy if she knew about this" she told me quietly.

I nodded. I know it would be hard for Nicolle to accept my apology but I'll do everything I can to make her forgive me.

"I'll find the golden ticket!" I said with determination.

I faced the dark foul smelling dumpster infront of me.

"This is for you Nicolle" I said and jumped in the dumpster.

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