Chapter 1|Introduction

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In the remote wilderness of the Philippines, a band of seasoned mercenaries, five in total, found themselves face to face with an entity beyond comprehension.

As the moon cast its eerie glow upon the scene, illuminating the twisted visage of their fallen comrade, they stood frozen in a mixture of shock and disbelief. Crimson eyes pierced the darkness, locking onto the group with an unnerving intensity. It was no ordinary creature that stood before them. With fur as black as midnight and eyes ablaze with primal fury, it bore the unmistakable features of a werewolf. Before they could fully comprehend the danger, the werewolf lunged at them with savage intent, teeth bared and claws extended. But instead of fear, a surge of rage ignited within the mercenaries' hearts. In an instant, weapons were drawn and battle cries rang out, their resolve unyielding against the monstrous threat. How had they come to face such a terror? To uncover the truth, we must rewind from two days before.

"Crimson Blade" one of the most successful and reputable mercenary organization, each members are all high skilled in their own field.
Founded by Kotarou Nakamura, a former elite member of Japan's Special Forces, the organization stands as a beacon of skill and reliability. After a career-ending injury cut short his military service, Nakamura channeled his expertise into building the Crimson Blade from the ground up. At its helm, Nakamura leads the Masters, the highest echelon of the organization, who steer its operations and make crucial decisions. Advising them are the Elders, a council of seasoned veterans who offer sage counsel on matters of strategy and policy. Beneath them, Commanders oversee specialized units, ensuring efficiency and excellence in every mission. Field Captains, Specialists, and Mercenaries form the backbone of the organization, each bringing their unique talents to bear in service of the Crimson Blade's goals. New recruits undergo rigorous training under the watchful eye of experienced mentors, while Support staff keep the wheels turning behind the scenes, providing essential logistical and administrative support. Together, they comprise the formidable force known as the Crimson Blade, ready to tackle any challenge that comes their way.

The organization had received a distressing plea from a remote village nestled deep within the Philippine forest, its inhabitants claiming to be besieged by monstrous creatures," relayed one of the Captains to Kotarou. Arching an eyebrow, Kotarou responded with a wry smile, "And do you credit this, Captain Rei?" "Not particularly," Rei replied after a moment's pause, "but their letter did carry an air of desperation." After a brief contemplation, Kotarou made his decision. "I'll dispatch you to investigate," he declared, "assemble your team and determine the best course of action." Rei's confusion and irritation were palpable as he retorted, "And why me, precisely?" With a chuckle, Kotarou quipped, "Because you're already here, and you're the one who knows the ropes. Besides, what good is all that isolated training if you never put it to use in the field?" Rei sighed in resignation, replying with a hint of exasperation, "Fine, dad."

As Rei exited his father's office, irritation etched into his features, a commotion in the cafeteria caught his attention. Pushing through the crowd, he spotted three mercenaries at the center of the disturbance: a burly figure poised to strike, another on the verge of receiving a blow, and a third attempting to intervene. Rei's annoyance was evident as he facepalmed and shouted, "Hey!" Instantly, all eyes turned to him, and the room fell silent as recognition dawned upon them. "Put him down," Rei commanded as he approached the brawlers. "No, sir," one of them retorted, "he bullied my friend who couldn't defend himself." The supposed victim nervously chimed in, "It's really no big deal, sir." "Bullshit," the aggressor countered angrily. Rei turned to a bystander for confirmation, receiving a nod in response. "Regardless, drop him, or you'll both face consequences," Rei asserted wearily. Gesturing to the combatants, he ordered, "You two, come with me," before turning to the third mercenary. "And you, give me 50 one-handed push-ups." "Yes, sir!" came the obedient reply. Leading the unruly pair outside, Rei questioned, "What are your names and affiliations?" "I'm Jhonsson Bergstrom, sir, and this is my friend Robert Andersson. We've been comrades since childhood, sir," Jhonsson answered. "Sir. I'm Robert Andersson, a specialist skilled in navigation and medicine," Robert added respectfully. Rei nodded thoughtfully. "Very well. I'll enlist you for an expedition. Can I rely on you?" he inquired with charisma. The two exchanged a glance before responding in unison, "Yes, sir. We're at your service." "Excellent," Rei concluded with a nod.

As Rei turned to leave, a familiar voice and touch halted his steps. "Rei," the girl called out, her smile lighting up the room. "Meldrid, it's been ages," Rei greeted warmly, returning her smile. "Indeed, the last time we crossed paths was just before your training in isolation," Meldrid reminisced. "How have you been?" Rei inquired with genuine interest. Meldrid's grin widened. "I'm married now," she revealed proudly. "Congratulations! Elric must be over the moon," Rei exclaimed, genuinely happy for her. "Thanks," Meldrid replied, her smile radiant. "So, I heard about your upcoming mission. Do you need additional team members?" she offered, hands on her hips. "Absolutely, would you and Elric be interested?" Rei asked, hopeful. Meldrid nodded eagerly. "Count us in," she affirmed. "Will it just be the three of us?" she inquired further. "I've already recruited a skilled navigator, and a strong member" Rei replied, gesturing towards Jhonsson and Robert. "Perfect," Meldrid exclaimed. "When do we set off?" she pressed. Rei chuckled. "Tomorrow, bright and early. I'm eager to wrap this up and catch up on some sleep," he admitted with a grin. Meldrid laughed. "Some things never change, Rei. You'd probably never have gone into isolation training if your father hadn't forced you," she teased. Rei sighed in mock exasperation. "We'll meet at dawn on the beach," he instructed. "Yes, sir," Jhonsson, Robert, and Meldrid chorused in unison.

As dawn broke, the team began to assemble on the beach. Meldrid and Elric arrived first, greeted by Rei's warm embrace. "Congrats, man," Rei whispered with a smile, to which Elric replied with a heartfelt "Thanks, man." The two friends caught up eagerly, exchanging stories and laughter after a year apart. Soon, Johnson and Robert joined them, completing the team's lineup. With everyone present, Rei gathered the group for a briefing on their mission. "Yesterday, we received a peculiar request," he began, explaining the village's claims of monster attacks. "But how do we locate the village?" Robert inquired. "We'll follow the carrier pigeon they sent as a guide, and it seems they know who we are seeing that they sent this pigeon to us." Rei replied, revealing the unexpected communication method. After finalizing preparations, the team set out, traveling smoothly until they reached the island's coast under the cover of nightfall. With no time to press on, they made camp on the beach, gathering around a crackling bonfire. Hours passed as they shared tales of their pasts, revealing the hardships that led them to mercenary life. Elric recounted his humble beginnings in rural America, while Johnson and Robert shared their struggles in the slums. Meldrid's story of loss and resilience resonated with the group, her father's legacy shaping her path as a skilled fighter. Amidst the camaraderie, Robert couldn't help but inquire about Rei's character, to which Meldrid offered a candid yet affectionate portrayal. As laughter filled the air, the night grew long, the bonds of friendship strengthening with each shared moment.

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