Chapter 18: In another Universe

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In a moment that felt like the climax of a thriller movie, Logan hastily darted into one of the rooms, seeking sanctuary from the chaos that had ensued outside. When he flipped on the light switch, he was greeted by the sight of me and Freddy, who had already found refuge in the room. We instantly noted that the room was a children's room, evidenced by the array of plush toys and playthings scattered all around. I couldn't help but think about Reivahs. I knew I had to continue my search for him, yet my body was rebelling against the idea. I was worn out, my body trembled like a leaf in the wind, and I needed to rest, even if only for a few minutes. So, I found a spot on the floor, leaning against a wall, and seated myself. Freddy and Logan seemed to share the same sentiment as they, too, settled down on the floor, with me sandwiched in between them.

Breaking the silence that had settled in the room, I voiced the ominous thought that had been looming in my mind, "We're probably going to die," I said, a smirk playing upon my lips.

Freddy, looking perplexed, retorted, "Are you always this negative?"

My response was simple, "Everyone just sees the positives sides of things, and I look at the other possible outcomes."

Freddy, ever the optimist, reassured us, "Trust me, we're gonna make it out of here." He paused to take a deep breath before adding, "I know we will." He then closed his eyes, resting his head on the wall behind him.

As my body continued to shake, I stared straight ahead, my gaze vacant. I broke the silence once more, "Maybe in another universe I didn't come to this party and I became a famous Rockstar." I paused for a moment before adding, "But I don't have enough money for a guitar."

Freddy decided to join in on the hypothetical scenarios, saying, "Maybe in another universe I become a politician." He then added, "But I don't have a proper education."

Curiosity piqued, I asked him about his schooling. I had assumed he attended our school.

"I'm actually homeschooled," he confessed. "That's why I don't know any of you guys and that's why y'all haven't seen me in the hallways."

"Aren't you a 12th grader?"

"No..." Freddy responded, "I'm actually an 11th grader like the rest of y'all."

"Oh," I replied.

"I was just embarrassed to tell you guys I was homeschooled," admitted Freddy. "But now it doesn't matter. When we leave this place, I'll try to go to school and we'll be together."

"Together?" I said.

"Yeah," he replied . "I thought after this...we could be know...We went through this together, so, you know..."

"Yeah," I replied, my gaze dropping to the floor.

Logan decided to join the conversation, "Maybe in another universe, I didn't come to this party and just Could've been a father." His voice lowered as he added, "But I won't even make it to my 20's."

Freddy, trying to keep the morale up, insisted, "Both of you need to stop acting like we're going to die. We will make it out. I PROMISE."

Logan and I exchanged a glance before letting out a small laugh.

"Shavier," Freddy addressed me, "Why are you always making jokes and laughing all the time during all of this? I haven't seen you cry once."

I stared at Freddy for a few seconds, not knowing how to respond. suddenly, the explosives that were going off finally stopped. Seizing the opportunity, I quickly rose to my feet, evading Freddy's question. "I have to go do something," I announced, heading towards the door.

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