Chapter 2: The Eve of Spring Break

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"Can you believe it? It's finally the last day before spring break!" I exclaim, my words echoing with a mixture of relief and anticipation. My proclamation is aimed at my best friends - Brenda, Sandy, Kimberly, and Karla.

"Yes!" Brenda replies with equal enthusiasm, the glint in her eyes revealing her shared sentiment, "We can finally make plans to go to the mall together, shop till we drop without a care in the world."

Sandy, with her ever-present love for the outdoors, chimes in, "And we mustn't forget the Park!"

Kimberly, the thrill-seeker amongst us, grins, "oh! And what about visiting that new theme park that just opened? I heard the roller-coasters there are insane!"

Karla, our fashionista, quickly adds, "We can also indulge in a bit of shopping spree!"

As we envision the freedom that spring break promises, our collective excitement is palpable. However, the sudden call for attendance by the teacher interrupts our daydream. "Shavier?" The teacher calls out, after going through a few names. I find it hilarious that I always seem to be listed last for some reason. "Here!" I respond, a bit louder than necessary.

The narrative then segues to Ryan and Merida, deep in conversation about the upcoming party and its various attractions. "Is there going to be food?" Merida inquires, her priorities clearly in order.

Ryan chuckles, "Of course there is, what's a party without food, right?"

Merida blushes and giggles at Ryan's response, and then, the scene shifts to a group of random people, all engrossed in discussing the rumors circulating about the Party.

"I heard there's going to be free-flowing alcohol!" Pressila excitedly shares.

Ethan, the music enthusiast, adds, "I heard there's going to be a famous DJ spinning the decks!"

Pedro, never one to miss an opportunity to flirt, grins and says, "I heard there's going to be a lot of hot chicks!"

"I heard this..." "I heard that..." the chatter continues, rumors and anticipation building until the bell finally rings, announcing the start of classes. The hallway empties as everyone rushes to their respective classrooms. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, it's time for the last class. Everyone hovers near the door, counting down the minutes. Then, as the bell rings, a frenzied rush towards the exit ensues, leaving behind a trail of papers and notebooks. The corridor is filled with exuberant students, their joy spilling out into the hallways and beyond.

Outside, cars rev their engines, music blaring from their speakers. Some students even initiate impromptu car races, while others sprint towards the local stores and parks.

"It's chaotic out here," Brenda comments as we amble towards a corner store.

"Yeah, they look like a horde of party-hungry zombies," I reply, watching the spectacle unfold.

Suddenly, Brenda turns to me, "Are you going to Ryan's party for spring break?" She asks.

"Hell no! I ain't going to that party! ." I reply, making a grimace to emphasize my point.


"Well...I'm not really sure what could happen there. Plus, I've never been much of a party guy." I respond, ending the conversation.

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