Chapter 4: Before the storm

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I find himself needing a snack for the late hours. I venture to the local convenience store in search of a suitable midnight munchie. Just as i'm about to pick up my favorite bag of chocolate chips cookies, I witness a surprising scene. A group of teenagers, nonchalantly stealing packs of beers, are swiftly followed by the furious store owner. I, taken aback, can only stand rooted in his spot, my snack forgotten, as i watches the events unfold.

"Well, thanks I guess," I mueble to myself after the chaos subsides. With the owner distracted, I quickly grabs a few more items for myself and my younger sister, and exit the store. I don't pay, as the man who usually is at the cashier isn't there to do so.

As i'm leaving, the boys from earlier - the beer thieves - catch up to me. They offer me a ride home. I recognize them from school; they play on the basketball team, a sport which my friends and I sometimes watch. I hesitate briefly, but then decide to accept their offer. Their car has the smell of cigarettes and stale beer, but I ignores it, focusing on the fact that i'm almost home.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, they arrive at his house and he quickly gets out, leaving the lingering smell behind. As he enters, he finds his parents, fast asleep on the couch, a cosy blanket covering them. Silently, he switches off the TV and makes his way to his sister's room.

"Hey sis, I picked up some stuff for you," he tells her, tossing her a few bags of chips, cookies, and a soda.

She looks at him dubiously. "How did you afford this?"

Deciding to play along, he replies, "I'm not broke, you know?" He gives her a sarcastic grin.

After expressing her gratitude, he leaves her room, the door wide open. She calls after him to close it, but he simply ignores her, continuing to his own room.

Late into the night, at around 2 AM, he hears a knock on his window. Startled, he leaves his sketchbook where he had been drawing and goes to see who it is. It's Ryan's friend. Confused, he asks, "Why on earth are you here at this hour?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come to Ryan's party tomorrow night!"

"Why?" Shavier asks, caught off guard.

"We need more people to join, and you popped into my mind!"

"Me..? Why me? That's weird. Anyway, I can't go. And I don't want to. None of my friends are going, and I don't even know where Ryan lives, not to mention I don't have a car."

Ryan's friend thinks for a moment, then speaks again, "We can give you a ride! My friends and I! Plus, who knows, you might make new friends."

"Mmm...I don't know..."

"Please!" He begs "we really need people."

"Okay! Fine. I'll go....only if..." Shavier begins, thinking quickly.

"Anything!" Ryan's friend interrupts eagerly.

"Only if you give me a hundred dollars," Shavier finishes, grinning.

"Deal!" Replies Ryan's friend, without missing a beat.

Taken aback by the swift agreement, Shavier stutters, "Huh? Really? Well, okay then."

"Perfect, be ready tomorrow night. I'll pick you up!" He then winks at Shavier and leaves.

"What the...heck..." Shavier mutters, closing his window. He returns to his desk, his sketchbook forgotten.

He picks up the landline phone and dials Brenda's number. "This girl better answer," he grumbles to himself.

"Huh...? Hello?" Brenda answers, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Hey Brenda, it's me, Shavier. You won't believe this but Ryan's friend Jacob just came by my window a few minutes ago and convinced me to go to the party...and I said yes."

"uhhh...ok." Brenda replies, clearly disoriented.

"Are you going...!?" Shavier asks, holding his breath.

"I can't, sorry. I have to visit family," Brenda replies, sounding apologetic.

"Ughhh, okay then. Goodnight, Brenda," Shavier says, disappointment creeping into his voice.

"Goodnight," Brenda mumbles before hanging up.

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