Chapter 1: introduction

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The school bell rings, marking the end of another long class session. The monotonous drone of the bell signals the start of a brief freedom, a respite from the confines of the classroom, and a time for the students to return home. The anticipation is palpable, as spring break is just one more day away. A sense of unbridled joy sweeps across the school, particularly among the jubilant 11th graders who are eagerly planning a grand party at the house of one of the most popular student.

In one corner of the classroom, Katiana and her best friend Henry are hastily packing up their belongings, eager to escape the confines of the school building. On the other end of the room, the flirtatious Emely, notorious for her revolving door of boyfriends, is engaging in her usual banter with Daniel, a boy renowned for his ever-changing roster of girlfriends.

In the midst of the class, Shavier, often labeled as the "weird kid", deftly navigates his way through the noise, putting on his headphones and making his way towards the art club, oblivious to the whispers and rumors that follow in his wake.

Elizabeth and William, always on the hunt for the thrill of mischief, attempt to swipe the leftovers from lunch. However, Elizabeth, who is known to be a bit of a scatterbrain, accidentally alerts the authorities to their antics, forcing them to beat a hasty retreat. In their rush, they collide with Logan, the stereotypical nerd, scattering his belongings all over the floor. Ignoring the chaos they've caused, they continue their escape. Ninlya, a kind-hearted girl from a lower grade, takes it upon herself to help Logan, and they make their way towards the exit together.

Meanwhile, Aurora, the ever-anxious worrier, darts back into the school building after realizing she left behind her beloved sketchbook. But her panic is short-lived, as her friend Cassidy quickly hands her the forgotten sketchbook and soothes her frazzled nerves. Alexander and Christopher, the resident jesters, take this opportunity to laugh at Aurora's expense, only to be silenced by Liria, a fearlessly bold girl who scatters their books, effectively putting an end to their mockery. She offers a reassuring smile to Aurora and Cassidy, showing her support.

Liria then heads to the restroom, only to accidentally bump into Pressila, who had been smoking with Annalise. A heated exchange of words ensues before they part ways. Unfortunately, their argument does not go unnoticed, and a teacher quickly apprehends them, escorting them to the office.

Throughout this chaos, Angie and Merida share a giggle at the sight of the feuding girls being reprimanded. They exchange goodbyes as they part ways, one heading to band practice and the other leaving for swimming classes.

Outside, Chloe is carefully applying her makeup while waiting for her parents to pick her up. Ethan, ever the charmer, tries to flirt with her, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Billy, her boyfriend. Ethan retreats, rejoining his friends Jocksan and Angel, and they head off to the gym.

Pedro, a student with an inflated sense of humor, makes his way around the school, attempting to amuse his peers with his antics. Meanwhile, Ryan, the most popular student, is busy handing out invitations to his much-anticipated spring break party, a highlight of the school year.

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