Chapter 6: FunTime

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Ryan is famous in school for several reasons, but the most prominent reason is because of his immense wealth. His house stands tall with three sprawling stories, in addition to an expansive basement. He even has an attic, although it's off-limits to everyone else.

When it came to planning the party, Ryan, with his charismatic charm, managed to persuade all the parents in the town that it was merely a regular birthday celebration happening in the woods. He assured them that responsible adults would be present, which, of course, was not true.

The teens who were burdened with the responsibility of tagging their younger siblings along to the party found themselves in luck. Ryan had thoughtfully designated a room on the second floor exclusively for the kids, including his own younger brother. The only people allowed in there were the older siblings of the children present. The room was well-equipped with a large TV, comfy pillows, cozy blankets, and a variety of food and drinks.

Ryan's house boasted a small cinema, a pool outside, a hot tub, and many other extravagant amenities.

As I was walking around, I bumped into Jacob and he handed me the hundred dollars he owed me. I was genuinely surprised that he had remembered, but he seemed indifferent and swiftly left to join his friends and get drunk.

Initially, I felt a sense of loneliness creeping in. None of my friends were present and all I could see were clusters of people enjoying themselves. At least, that's what I initially thought.

As I navigated through a hallway teeming with teenagers making out, I accidentally bumped into someone familiar; it was Kimberly.

"Kimberly!? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to come to the party..?" I asked, taken aback.

"Ryan's friend, Andrew, approached me while I was alone at the park and somehow managed to convince me to come." Kimberly revealed.

"Really? Ryan's friend, Jacob, also convinced me to come. They were even kind enough to give me a ride." I responded.


"Anyway, you want to go play a game of ping pong shot ?"

"Sure," Kimberly agreed.

As we walked away, the scene shifted to Elizabeth and William, who were sneakily stealing money from a few unsuspecting party-goers, busy in their own worlds. The scene then changed to Chloe and her friends, engrossed in their conversation about boys.

Billy and a group of boys were engaged in a lively conversation outside while drinking and smoking a few cigarettes. A boy named Freddy, acting on a whim, jumped into the pool, causing a massive splash. This encouraged a flurry of others to jump into the pool from various spots, even the roof, some with clothes on, others without.

The party was in full swing, with half of the attendees dancing inside, while others were chilling outside on the front yard, like Merida and Angie.

As the hours rolled by, the party became more lively. Almost everyone was engrossed in their own activities, exploring new experiences typical of teenagers. The house echoed with music and laughter, and not a single corner was quiet.

I then began searching for a phone, which I eventually found in Ryan's room. As I entered, a pair of teenagers were making out in the bed. They didn't care I entered because they were drunk, and I didn't care either. I located a landline and dialed Sandy's number, hoping she would pick up.

She answered, but her voice was barely audible. "Hey, it's me, Shavi. Are you the...uhm...the thing..?"

"What thing?" She asked, sounding confused.

"Ugh! You know! The...*gulps* The thing!!"

"What things!?" She shouted through the phone.

"The thing!" I retorted. "The fucking t-thing!"

"The party!?" She finally understood.

"Yes! That shit." My voice wavered.

"No. You never know what could happen. Are you at the party? You said you weren't going." Sandy replied.

"Ugh! Whatever!" I retorted before hanging up the call.

"It's not like someone is going to put a gun in my mouth and kill me. " I muttered sarcastically to myself.

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