Chapter 16: I meet the weirdo of the woods

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A.N: Another update so soon after the last?  YAAASSS!!!  I'm on FIIIIYAAAAHHH!!!

The rest of my remaining time at home passes by in a bit of a blur. Mother, naturally, stuffs me with as much food as I could ever hope to eat, I have to explain to all of the ghosts that I'll be leaving home for a while, (and no, I can't possibly take you all with me, but thank you for asking) and mother orders Anzu to protect me from all evil, or to stop me from killing any random stranger that I may come across, whichever comes first.

Like I'm going to call attention to myself like that the first thing in the morning.

The next morning, I groggily lift a glass jar of milk out of the cold cellar and take a contemplative sip from it, running a hand through my tangled bed hair to try and straighten it out a bit before I comb it. I then blindly hobble back to the kitchen as I will the haze of sleep to lift from my eyes, yanking a brush through the strands and trying to drink with my other hand. It usually doesn't go so well, but I stoutheartedly attempt it most mornings anyway.

Suddenly, a bolt of darkness slams into me from behind, and I fall flat on my face, barely avoiding breaking the milk container. I quickly flip upright, berating the hapless ghost who dares to cross my path so early in the morning. "Great-grandfather Jakob, for the last time, I am not taking you with me!!!" I scream out in frustration.

The ghost widens his glowing silver-rimmed eyes as he sobs at an unprecedented decibel. "B-but surely you'd take me!" He wails out brokenly.

"I already said that I wouldn't, so stop asking! You'll only mortify me there. I need to build up a solid reputation with the Hunters, not to get myself kicked out the first day." I shake him off of me, but he just drops onto his knees and grabs onto my nightdress. I kick at him, but he simply phases through my foot and continues on with his ridiculous charade. "Please, Evelyn, your mother will do something absolutely horrible to me if you leave, I just know she will! And it'll be all your fault." He finishes smugly, as if he thinks that will sway me in the slightest. I frown at him.

"Absolutely not. It will be only your fault if you trigger her into attacking you again, so please keep that information firmly in your mind as I depart today, great-grandfather." I reply, mopping up the spillage as I attempt to disengage him once more. "And with that, I will bid you adieu, and a fond farewell. I can't say that I'll miss you very much, but I'll try my best."

He rips off one of my slippers in a bout of ghostly fury, his shock of hair lighting up with phantom power. "HOW DARE YOU?!! I WILL-"

"-Yes, yes, I'm sure you will one day." I interrupt distractedly, flicking a glowing fingertip his way. He screams as his essence starts to burn away from the force of my own magic and quickly leaves me be, as I knew he would. I smirk in triumph. "Haha, works every time."

Mother emerges from her own room, her expression matching mine, albeit a little more anxious. "Your father arrived home at about four in the morning, so I had to explain everything to-"

"-Evelyn!" Father suddenly bursts out of the room after mother and bundles me into his arms, his entire body racked with guilty sobs. His kind and honest face is scrunched together, a great many tears flowing freely down his face as he lifts me into the air. I unintentionally spill what little remains of the milk into his hair, but he doesn't seem to register it, so lost in his own misery is he.

"Father? Father!" I wheeze. "Put me down! It's too early in the morning for this kind of ridiculous behavior!"

He immediately complies, milk still streaming freely from behind his ears, his nose running. "I'm sorry, Evelyn darling, but your mother said that you were.. Going to.. Boohoohoo, it's just too terrible!" He begins to cry once more and attempts to pick me up again, but I run to mother's side, avoiding him.

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