Chapter 10: Jack tries to break a really expensive window

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Arissa grabs me by my hand and practically drags me up to the door. "Come on, come on! People are waiting!"

The stiff-legged doorman takes off his cap and bows to her, to which she curtsies back, actually managing to look quite elegant as she crosses a leg behind her and lifts the hem of her dress. "A fine evening to you, good sir." She then aims a dazzling smile at Jack, who's waiting outside for us, his arms crossed neatly across his broad chest. "Is papa inside already, Jack?"

He nods, blushing a little. "Yeah. ..I mean, yes, Arissa."

"Ooh, so candid! I liked that!" She exclaims.

I groan and roll my eyes yet again. Does she really have to act like every single thing that Jack does is the greatest thing on this earth? Everything?

Jack emits a quiet chuckle. "I don't think that your pa would like it much if I said that kind of stuff in front of him. He looks like a well-learnt man."

"Oh, phooey! We all need to start somewhere! He needs to learn to get with the times, otherwise he's going to get left behind. Him and his perfect-posteriored horses, rump shaving and all." She declares.

Jack looks a bit startled. "Huh?"

"Ah, it's nothing. Just a bad habit that he picked up on his travels to distant lands. We'll fix him eventually. ...I hope." She glances seriously at Jack. "Don't worry though, I won't let him touch Dewdrop and Mina. They're both too pure and innocent for that kind of treatment." She says gravely.

"Arissa, your father may be just slightly psychopathic." I comment. "I'd watch him, if I were you."

She answers with a half-amused, half-sarcastic snort. "Heh! He's just a little too enamored with the whole 'Lumos' name and identity, I think. I can't really blame him, honestly. To be fair, we are pretty great." She then makes an elaborate gesture towards the doorman. "And I bet that we pay him, too."

The doorman nods at her seriously. "Yes. You do, you do, my Lady."

Does this man repeat everything he says, or what?

Arissa clenches a fist in the air dramatically. "Aha! I knew it! Such is the state of my family's payroll." She then pauses. "..I don't believe that I gave you permission to speak, sir."

The doorman clenches his cap nervously in his hands, his pupils dilating in sudden fear. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, my Lady, my Lady. I didn't mean to-"

"-And there you go again." Arissa sighs. "Did they teach you nothing at those servant schools?"

The doorman immediately clamps his mouth shut, trembling. His cap is now scrunched nearly to the point of no repair as his entire body quakes. He casts begging eyes upon Arissa, true terror reflected in them now.

Arissa gives him a confused look. "What are you-? Oh, for the love of-!" She seems about to scream. "For Nox's sake, I'm just playing! Can I seriously not do even that anymore with this stupid family name?!!"

She stares at the footman, who visibly wilts under her withering gaze. "I can't even with these people." She mutters.

She takes him aside. "How much does my father pay you monthly?" She asks him in a low whisper.

He cringes, clearly expecting to be fired on the spot. "A-about fifty bronze marks, and twenty of the same, but of silver, of silver." He turns his pleading eyes upon her again helplessly. "Please, my Lady. I've three children with my dear wife, and another on the way. I need to support my family. My cousin's out of work for the moment, and we have our parents but one to support, as well, as well." A tear rolls down his cheek. "I was lucky enough to get this work with my bad leg, and I don't know how I'll manage without this, I really don't..."

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