Chapter 8: An alarming flashback

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Jack freezes like a deer caught in the lamplight. He blinks in alarm at Lord Lumos' imposing figure, while trying not to fall over and make a complete fool of himself in front of him.

Arissa stares expectantly at him from behind her father's back. "Quickly, Jack! Do something cool!" She hisses to the boy urgently.

"Like what?!!" He squeaks back, his pitch getting higher and shriller by the second.

"Like, I don't know... ..Can you spin straw into gold?"

"I don't think that my house would be so small if I could afford a bigger one by doing that!"

"Oh, that's a shame. It would've been a neat party trick to show off. ..How's your enchanted-beast taming?"

"Could be better..!" He grimaces.

His ponies give him another pair of wholly-offended looks. Mina offers an ear-piercing whinny of pure rage.

"Okay, no flying hoop tricks, then. What can you conjure?"

"Um, really good woodworked stuff..?" He answers, wringing his hands in a blind panic.

Lord Lumos finally speaks up after observing their back-and-forth for a while, directly addressing Jack for the first time, curiosity in his tone now. "Are you able to produce finely crafted heirloom goods of the highest standard of quality?" He queries seriously.

What is it with the Lumos household and their desire for heirloom goods?

Jack is evidently torn between making eye contact with him, or beating a quick retreat to Cryolis. He finally decides on the former after some quick deliberation on his part. "Y-yes, I think that I can, my Lord. At least, that's what I've been told."

"Hmm... You're modest, and yet you do not undervalue the worth of your own work. Quite rare, indeed." Lord Lumos twirls an impressive, seemingly gravity-defying auburn mustache as he silently appraises the boy. Apparently liking what he sees, he lets it drop after a moment, leaving a fine curl in his finger's wake. "Your presence is certainly much less offensive than that of that insidious Earl's." He comments, narrowing his eyes at the boy thoughtfully. "You may yet do..."

Jack bows hastily to him. "Yes, my Lord. Thank you, my Lord."

Lord Lumos pounds the young man's back heartily, his laugh a deep, rich baritone. "Come now! We're not exactly strangers anymore! Anyone who saves my daughter-"

"-And us." I mutter quietly.

"..Is immediately an acquaintance. So let's have no more of this 'my Lord' business! You, my dear boy, may call me: Sir." Lord Lumos says this with such profound conviction, such genuine joy for having permitted this form of address, that I have to turn aside and disguise my own giggle with an artful cough.

The apple on Jack's throat wobbles as he swallows several times, oxygen becoming increasingly restricted in his airways. "T-thank you, my L- Sir."

"There now, isn't that better?" The Lord booms thunderously, clapping him on the back again.

Jack hardly stumbles upon receiving the brunt of Lord Lumos' enthusiasm, so solid-set is he, though he gasps slightly at its force.

Arissa winces. "Ouch. Papa's being overzealous again. That must have hurt my dreamboat far more than he lets on." She gives Jack a sympathetic wave, a hand placed gently over her heart.

Mr. Jenkins totters over to his employer. "I'll just guard the ponies, shall I?" He remarks dryly. "I'm sure that you have business to attend to, my Lord."

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