Chapter thirty four

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Rose's POV

I stood on the shore, the warmth of the sun kissing my skin as Adrian emerged from the ocean, his body glistening with droplets of water, ripped muscles and a smile dawned on his face. He approached me, his eyes roaming over my bikini-clad form with his hooded eyes.  Just as he leaned in to kiss me, a voice interrupted us.

I turned to see a beautiful, slender woman blowing a flying kiss to Adrian. My heart sank as he walked away from me, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I called out to him, but he didn't hear me, disappearing into the distance with her.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed, calling Adrian's name over and over again into the emptiness. But he was gone, leaving me alone on the beach, heartbroken and betrayed.
Will everyone leave me in the end?

Suddenly, a hand rested on my shoulder, and I turned to see a bright white light that made me squint. As the light faded, my mother stood before me, her presence filling me with both joy and sorrow.

"Mama," I cried, throwing myself into her arms. "Why did you leave me?"

She smiled gently, stroking my cheek. "Oh, my love, I never truly left you. I'm always with you, watching over you."

I clung to her, desperate for her comfort. "But Adrian... he left me for her. I want him back. His warmth is just like you, he calms me Mama."

My mother held me at arm's length, her eyes full of wisdom. "Look around you, my love. Open your eyes to the beauty of the world. Never give up hope, for each new day brings new possibilities. Everything will be fine in the end."

Her words filled me with a sense of peace, as if she were guiding me through the darkness. With a final embrace, she faded away, leaving me alone on the beach.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean, I sit near the shore, Adrian returns and join me. Passing a rose to me he smiles and place a tender kiss on my forehead.
"Wake up baby, it's a dream"

Bzzz bzzz bzzz bzzz...
I keep staring at the buzzing alarm, dreaming of my mama had me up early today. Sliding it off I look at the wallpaper of my phone. It's our entwined fingers. Addy doesn't like to be clicked much but I like photos. Pictures of everything I see around which is beautiful, which I would want to remember for a long time. After convincing him a lot he let take this picture.

It was the day when he took me to the mansion. The next morning when I cuddled with him, it was the best version of him. Morning messy hair, thich voice and soft blue eyes, totally off guard. I saw an emotion passing his eyes that day and later he confessed that he was scared for the first time in his life seeing me bleed. I clicked our entwined fingers, his large callous hand covering mine, spreading his warmth all over my heart.

I sigh. I am laying in bed, naked. Last night I was not in a right state to even wear clothes. Anxiety is nothing new to me, I have dealt with it many times.
The weight of my anxiety often feels like a heavy fog descending upon me, clouding my thoughts and suffocating my senses. When the beads of sweat gather on my forehead, it's as if the world around me spins out of control, leaving me trapped in a whirlwind of chaos.

After mama's passing, the void she left behind seemed insurmountable. The loneliness crept into every corner of my existence, turning the once familiar into a haunting specter of emptiness. The walls of my room became silent witnesses to my silent screams, offering no solace in their barrenness.

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