Chapter nineteen

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Adrian's POV

"I know who he is."

What is it called when you are captivated by someone's beauty, in books it's says 'enamored' but I'll say I am 'mesmerized'. In Rose's case, I don't know the effortless allure she exudes may stem from a combination of few of my favourites; maybe it's the innocence in her demeanor, or the allure of her luscious long hair, or the enchanting gaze of her liquid amber eyes, or it can be all harmonious blend of all these elements that makes her beauty appear so effortlessly captivating.

"My saviour."
Saviour. I am her saviour. My ego is through the roofs, all above the clouds.
I had a spark of doubt flickered in my mind when she claimed to know who I truly was. The revelation stirred a second of uncertainty, making me question how she can be aware of my reputation as the most dangerous and ruthless Don on Earth, especially when she considered me her 'friend.'
Ugh! I hate that word.
Fucker chuckles, he is intending on telling the truth to Rose. But I won't let that happen. It's not the right time, she won't be able to handle it.
"Oh, really," tilting his neck to side mockingly with a blackmailing glint in his eyes.
"Save me too, D-" My hard punch on his throat and he is out cold on the floor.

Clutching my suit jacket in a fist from behind, a scared Rose whimpers.
"Oh my God, oh my God, Adrian, no"
Turning to her I hold her trembling hands tight, as well as looking over my shoulder to Marco who understands and drags Jack and Milo out and will take them to basement for questioning.
"lasciare tutti"
(Translation: leave everyone)
Dad gives me a sting eye clearly not liking the situation and leaves without a word. When everyone's out I look at this beauty in my hands, wrapping my arms around her, pressing her into me, I put my chin above her head. I know this will calm her. I still remember that rainy night when her soft body just melted against mine with her face buried in my neck and hands wrapped around my torso. She slept like a carefree new born baby.
I couldn't sleep that night. The terrifying feeling though - that's what kept me awake. As she felt my warmth and cuddled on my chest, burying her face in my neck, she murmured unconsciously, "You feel like home." She thinks I am like home. Her home.

Her shaking and trembling has stopped, putting my lips on her hair I feel her shoulder slack against my chest. I unwrap my arms from around her back but only settling them on her slender waist. She is not meeting my eyes avoiding them as she is doing last few days.
"Look at me, Rose."
Biting her lip in nervousness is making it difficult for me, squeezing her waist while she fists my suit jacket and slowly raised her brown liquid eyes with tears on the corner. I wipe under the corner of her right eye with my thumb.
"You look like you've been crying."
"Why did you do that? I just can't see violence around Adrian. I just can't."
Her voice shaking, "Especially when it's you."
"He was charging at you. And as I have said already I won't let anything happen to you."
A slow smile drawn on her face, cheeks flushed pink.
"Rose you're effortless with numbers, graceful with unraveling complex methods and techniques. Your ability to explain mathematical intricacies with ease adds a layer of charm, sparking an intellectual fascination that has  heightened my admiration for you."
The small smile turned into a full blown grin showing her white peral teeth.
"And what was that calculation for cigars you did?" I asked some stupid ass question just to distract her and keep her pressed to me. I am selfish, damn selfish.

I don't hear what's she is saying probably explaining me her calculation. But I am just focused on her lips. The way they are rhythmically moving in sync with her melodic voice and her eyes twinkling, shining brightly.
"I want to kiss you."
She paused. Her eyes wide, mouth parted. She is driving me crazy. I can't hold it in me anymore. I lean down nearing her face, her fragrance is all peaches and vanilla.
"Adrian-" she gasps. " I-I had a boyfriend. You're not-not my first kiss." She blurted out. I kept looking into her eyes which becomes glossy after a second. I didn't knew about her boyfriend before, and that's make my blood boil. Who the fucking hell was her boyfriend. Has someone else claimed her?
"I have baggage Adrian. Too much baggage. I don't expect you to-"
"What? What don't you expect of me?" I gritted out my teeth.
"Do you expect me to walk away from you? Do you think I could do that even if I want to?"
I see tears slid down her cheeks but my fingers wipes them of her face.
"You deserve better Adrian. Someone with a clear head, someone beautiful."
"Don't say that shit." Holding her chin in between my fingers and forcing her to look at me.
"I doesn't matter to me what you been through. I -"
"Adrian!!" Placing her palm on flat my lips, stopping me from saying anything further. " I want to leave. Please let me go." More tears leak from eyes and I hate myself for doing this to her.

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