Chapter twenty three

22 1 4

Adrian's POV

One Day earlier

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Fuck my shirt. Blood droplets splatter on my white shirt and few on my face, but atleast the fucker is dead.
"Call for clean up and burn the place."
Ordering Marco, I turn to Tony,
"Good job. Your new sniper recruits are good." He smirks arrogantly while wiping his gun with a white cloth, knowing that he is the best as no one can touch his benchmark of security and recruits.
"Prepare the jet, we're leaving."

I walk out of the trashed old factory. It was one of the major hide outs of Vipers. Tony's source tipped us about this place, it was quiet in New York cuz they were hiding out of the country here in Mexico and a large number of them. And another tip about stealing of our shipment on the docks was about to happen yesterday but this time we were all prepared. Blasting there cars and torturing them in basement kept us all awake last night and today a mission executed in Mexico. It's a big blow to them and message to the one who's got there back that they shouldn't have initiated the war.

Early morning in the jet Marco gave me the file on Robin, Rose's ex, but before I could go through it we had an argument about I should not spy on her and should not involve her in this life. He knows I want to get in her pants but now it's not only about a simple fuck, she has become much more to me. More like a constant company or someone I would want to see everyday in my life. Marco says he can see through my eyes what's swirling in them but I am just not accepting the feelings I grown for her.

Marco's sister, Autumn, was only twelve when she was brutally raped and left to rot which caused her dead and this was when he was in military serving for the country. The news shook him to core and till the time he reached, she was buried six feet under the ground. Her loss made him a stone hearted man which is why he turned against the country and now works for the mafia. He has proved his loyalty to Dad and has helped me in training to become a leader. He was with me on my first kill. He knows me inside out, everything about me even if I don't say he knows what's going in my mind. He can sense my feelings for Rose, my every thought for her.

"Jet is ready, brother." I nod. We arrive on the tarmac and board. Taking off, we relax and I go through the file of Robin.
Robin Martinez. Twenty six, an orphan and was a foster kid. He studied  commerce and got his first job in Perth and all that shit but the thing is he is fucking married and is a father of a child. The fuck!!
He is married for about four years and his child is three years old. After being married for three years and his kid was two, he was transferred to Devonport bank for some project which lasted ten months and that was the time he met Rose. And now he is currently residing in Sydney with his wife who is pregnant with his second child. That's when he ghosted Rose, he was nowhere to be found and that triggered her. She was consumed by depression which led to her medical treatment.

Marco knew this before he passed this file to me which made him pissed and eventually an argument with me. He has developed this unknowingly brotherly feelings for Rose, protective and caring.
Marco seating on the small bar with his Bourbon. Tony sleeping on his chair. I sigh. I take the bar stool next to him, without acknowledging me he makes me a drink but I don't accept it yet. He looks at me with questioning eyes.
"We both are protecting her. We'll protect her with everything, from every evil." He sighs, taking a sip of his drink.
"You are possessive too." He mutters under his breath.
"I just can't believe she sees good in  everyone," he continues.
"Yeah, she said I am her home. I make her feel safe, she says I am her saviour."
He chuckles shaking his head in disbelief.
"She just boosted your ego hundred times." He paused. "I want to kill that bastard. I want your permission Don."
"Not now. Let Rose tell me first, then I'll kill him with my bare hands."
He nods understandingly. And with finishing my drink, I admit to him,
"I confessed my liking to her." I exhale. "She's mine."

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