The village

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My head starts throbbing when I wake up. I hear the pitter patter of water dripping from the night before. I slowly sit up and put a hand on my head. I look in my bag to make sure nothing got damaged, nothing did, besides the food being soggy and my clothes and dolls being damp, everything's in tact. I grab my bag and walk out the cave, the rocks sharp under my feet. I look for a clean pond I can drink out of and clean my wounds with.

I find a clean pond and take a handful of water and drink, It's refreshing. I splash some water onto my face and take the bandaids on my arms and legs off. I put my feet in the pond and let the water clean my wounds. My face wrinkles when it starts to sting. I pull my legs out and do the same with my arms. When I'm done cleaning them I gently wrap the bandaids on my arms and legs again.

I pull an apple out of my bag and start eating it as I venture further into the woods. The jungle is still dripping wet from last nights storm.

It's 3 hours later and I've been walking almost non-stop with a couple breaks here and there. I soon reach the end of the jungle and Sheila my eyes from the bright sun, my feet now in warm sand. I look in front of me and see a village, a lot smaller than the last I was in. I walk towards the village, it seeming oddly familiar. I creep behind a house and watch the main street. I see carriages and people roaming the streets. Some shouting at each other, some running around, and some just walking. I crept around more until I found an abandoned house. I hid my bag just in case it's not as abandoned as it seems and head out. The street was still bustling with people and noises and smells. I walk through the crowded street, looking out for any food stands I could steal from; I doubt anybody's gonna take me in.

Once I've spotted every food stand I could, I take mental notes on where they are. I weave my way through the street of people to an alleyway. I walk out the alleyway to more open and breathable part of the street. I take a deep breath to relax my nerves as I walk around, exploring, still taking nit of every building, alleyway, and dock.

While walking I notice someone fairly familiar on the other side of the street. I suppose they noticed me too, because they were walking in my direction. I looked away and tried walking the other way, looking over my shoulder every minute or so.

I felt their hand grab my shoulder and twist me around to face them. "I've seen you, I know I have. What's your name?"

"Uhm," I look around in case I have to run. "Zara."

His eyes widen. "Zara! You and your friend Mia or Mila, whatever her name is, you guys saved me." He pulled me into a hug.

I awkwardly hug him back.

My friend? Mia? Mila? Mira! Thats her name, Mira.

I remembered something! Does that mean I'm getting my memory back?

I pry away from the man's hug. "Well, I'm glad you're safe now, but I have to go." I speed walk away.

I get back to the abandoned house and surprisingly there's still a bed. It's dusty and dirty, but it will work for now.

I flop down on the bed and grab a mango from my bag. I sit up and grab the tools needed to make my dolls. I made at least ten more dolls to pass the time. When it got dark enough I gently placed the dolls in my bag and lied down on the bed, closing my eyes I imagine Miss. Ray, Caspian, and me, all together in the library.

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