The Talons of the Snow

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"Amy! Quit being a sore loser!" yells Andrew in exasperation from upstairs in the shower room.

Amelia puffs out her cheeks, "But you and Cid had a head start! So it's not fair!"

Seb enters the main room, "Bro, I'm not even going to get involved in this, just make sure we get the playstation up and sprite on the table in an hour man, I'm counting on ya!", he says as he stomps upstairs, peeling off his skin suit, ready to throw it into the disinfection unit.

Cikagn sighs in resignation, "Amy, come on, don't do this, you can take the skateboard, and the vendor is just three kilometres away, it's not far."

Amelia shook her head, "The race is not fair, I didn't even consent to it."

"Ok, fine! Amy, let's go, I'll go with you, alright? Just shut it, half an hour," Cikagn slurs, his shoulders sagging, thoroughly tired out by this comrade of his, "Amy, we got half an hour before we're supposed to chill the heck out, so just might as well get on with it, alright? Now shut it, and come along!" he says with an air of resignation, as he gestures at Amelia. Slamming on the lever to the entrance, the blast proof door slides open with a metallic whirr. Without waiting for a response, Cikagn marches out of their house within talon city, a two-storey block of rectangular cement elevated one storey off the ground. It is complete with all the most basic spaces for an average adult: four private rooms for each talon, a bathroom on each floor, the one on the top floor with a shower and one below without. And an averagely spaced living room that makes up the ground floor. The walls are all made up of solid concrete, with a neatly arranged box of signal disruption emitter, and a remote controlled unit of 4 mobile anti-aircraft missiles that is placed on top of the roof, which requires routine maintenance by the residents of the house. On the roof also has a round protrusion of a pair anti-aircraft guns, its string of ammunition tied to its blast proof metal ceiling that can be slid parallel to open, for launching missiles or other advanced projectiles capable of flight. Cikagn and his friends normally use the retractable ceiling to watch the starry night sky at night or collect snow, which can be turned into fresh water to water the houseplants.

"Cid! Wait for me!" shouts Amelia as she struggles into her off-duty wear: a polyester-vinyl T-shirt, then a kevlar vest over it, and a functional long sleeve shirt on top, she scrambles as she zips up the slightly thick waterproof jacket, patting at her chest and stomach, securing the velcro straps covering the zip. She leaps out of the door, jumping one storey to the ground, without bothering to lower the retractable ladder attached next to the door on the wall outside, camouflaged in white paint along with the rest of the house. The large pockets on her comfortable, waterproof and thick pants are fitted with an automatic handheld pistol, a small satellite handheld-receiver, and two white and blue camouflaged gut knives. A wide range pepper spray in a rectangular bottle and three exploding knives is concealed within a covered vinyl patch on her right arm. Streamlined metal needles, 3 poisoned, 2 that whistles, and 10 for precision aiming and throwing, covered in a vinyl patch on her left arm. Cikagn threw her a thick black cape, complete with long sleeves, a hood and the Eye of the Falcon on the back of it. On the sides of the cape is a submachine gun(an MP55D) and an assault rifle(an M16) on the right hand side. A lightweight sniper rifle made of carbon fibre, 2 grenades, 1 smoke bomb, 1 flash bomb, and 3 biochemical gas grenades(its contents capable of causing permanent blindness, deaf and muteness if in direct contact with the emissions for more than 1 minute, along with immediate blistering of skin upon contact), located on the left hand side, in which all the guns are fitted with silencers. The standard casual wear of a typical off-duty talon. It has been tradition for all personnels within all establishments of the organisation to be fully prepared for combat and immediate mobilisation on short notice. On-duty or not, it is the responsibility for all capable bodies within the Falcon Eye to be able to defend anything related to the Falcon Eye with their life, to ensure the secrecy of the organisation, which directly relates to their security.

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