Oh we need to let it breathe.

17 1 4

"For God's sake, get out of the room!"

"Excuse me, what?" the guy looked at the direction of the voice, perplexed; realizing a bit late that it was addressed to him.

"You heard me. Get out of my fucking room!" Samantha repeated angrily, peeking through the curtain.

"Ummm... Its our room, not just yours," he stated calmly and confused.

"I don't care! If you're gonna continue sucking each other's faces, go do it somewhere else!"

The boy met eyes with the girl he's been involved in the said crime with, and adjusted himself comfortably on the bed.

"Jealous much?" he smirked.

"Self-obsessed and delusional much?" she countered back, unable to believe the audacity of this guy to think so.

Samantha just wanted to sleep and forget about the throbbing pain she's feeling all over her body ever since she came back to the recovery room. But this guy next to her on the bed and his girlfriend or whatever she is, wouldn't shut up.

She feels exhausted after spending almost 3-4 hours in the dialysis unit, where her body was attached to several wires for the procedure. She could use some painkillers right now, but the doctor won't give her.

The boy and his companion had been at it, even before Samantha came to the room. She thought they might stop making out, now that they are in the company of another patient, but how wrong she was! It's been 40 minutes and they haven't!

Honestly it's not even the kissing Samantha is disturbed of, because she could draw the curtain around her bed and block the view. It's the cringe conversation they start every now and then, in between their kisses.

"Do you feel any better now?" The girl would ask after a good five minutes of assaulting his mouth.

"So much better," the guy would reply and they'd start doing it all over again.

Oh why bother gracing the hospital with his presence, if that makes him feel so much better? Cringe buttheads.

"Geez, what is your problem? I'm just here to help him, to relieve some of his pain," the blonde girl said this time with her valley girl accent, caressing the guys chest.

"Why can't anyone let us have some time together baby? I'm just... I can't take it. I can't stay in a room with so much negative energy. I know it helps you to deal with pain when I stay by your side, but I'm sorry. I'll come see you later okay? Don't miss me much!" she addressed the guy this time, with some fake tears and fake concern that even a blind could tell. She bent and placed a last kiss on his lips and left with her heel clanking every time she took a step.

Samantha felt relieved and satisfied, believing she could sleep without any distractions now and closed her eyes. But a moment of silence later, she heard the curtain of her bed being pulled. It wasn't a person, it was a stick; a monopod or selfie stick to be specific. And the one working that stick was none other than the guy next bed.

"I'm Cameron, by the way!" he said and raised the other hand that wasn't holding the stick, in a HI gesture.

"I'm uninterested, you could say," she replied and shrugged the curtain off from the grip of the stick.


"You know... Even though that was rude, I would like to thank you for shooing her away," he said. "God knows how long she would've stayed if you didn't interfere."

So, he was as tired of the blonde as she was. Thank God! One less thing to regret, when she'll be less annoyed later.

"I can't feel my tongue anymore. I'm pretty sure my mouth has more saliva of hers than mine by now."

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