Chapter 13

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Amy's POV

"Nice to meet you Jimmy." I said, we walked down the aisle together and talked.

I grabbed out my phone and handed it to him. "Give me your number and maybe we can go out sometime?" I asked.

"I'd like that." He put his number in my phone before walking away. He didn't even notice I was talking pregnant, I'll try to spend time with him as much as possible before I start showing.

"Tuesday, six clock." He texted.

"Definitely." Was all I messaged back.

"What has you all so excited." Ricky said walking up from behind me.

"Nothing, just a date." I said pushing the cart ahead of him.

"Cool." Was all he said.

"I actually have a date soon too with this girl named Ava tomorrow. Maybe if both our dates go well we can do a double date." He said.

"Okayyy. I don't think I'm going to tell him I'm pregnant yet. I don't want him getting all weird and not wanting to go out with me. It's just he's the first guy I'm going out with that doesn't know and doesn't think I'm pregnant. I just want to feel normal for bit." I said.

"You shouldn't have to tell him unless it's serious. It's your life, your body, our baby." He said pushing the cart into the check out.

"Right." Our baby. I like the sound of that.

I pretended that I didn't.

We walked to the car and sat in my seat since I wasn't allowed to touch anything.

I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. Soon the car started and I was a sleep.

I opening my eyes because of the amazing smell, it was Diary Shack.

I looked up to see a grinning Ricky. "You didn't, we aren't." Then I looked around and we were in fact at Diary Shack.

"What are we doing here?" I said getting out of the car.

"Well we thought you could use some cheering up today." Ricky said.


"Behind you." Madison's voice said.

I turned around to see Madison, Lauren, Grace, Adrian, Jack, Ashley, and my dad.

"W-what are you all doing here?"

"We heard about your mom. And you're our friend who's having a hard time you need us. You are allowed to lean on us for love and support Amy. We all love and care about you." Madison and Lauren said.

"We'll get Diary Shack for the road. We are headed to the amusement park. We rented out a big van for the day." My dad spoke.

I felt the tears brim in my eyes as before streaming down my cheeks. I held my hand to my mouth. "You guys. Y-you didn't have to do this for me." A sob escaped my mouth.

"Hey, hey. No crying today. Okay. It's supposed to be a happy day." Ricky chuckled as he wiped my tears.

He's right I am being kind of ridiculous by crying about my friends wanting to do something nice for me, they're my friends of course they would do this. They aren't my mom.

I began to giggle at my own silliness. "Thank you." I said giving Ricky a smile.

"All of you, thank you really. The hormones are just making me go emotionally crazy." I spoke.

They all walked over and brought me into a tight group hug.

"Now. Dairy Shack!!!!" I yelled in excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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