Chapter 2

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Amy's POV

We walked into the gym once arrived. Ben walked over to the food table and we followed behind. I looked at the food and took in a sniff of the smell and I felt like throwing up. I looked at Ashley and shook my head before she tired to hand me a plate.

I swear I looked green. "Are you not hungry?" Ben asked. "No, not really." I said with a small smile. I saw Ashley wasn't grabbing anything either and she scrunched her nose, amen sister.

I felt all eyes on me for some reason, I looked around and there were eyes staring at me and Ashley. I rolled my eyes, so what I brought my little sister, so what I might have gain some weight recently, so what if I'm wearing Ricky's jacket and so what if I stayed here after school until the party because my parents forgot me.

We finally left the food line and I felt like I could breathe again.

"Hey I'll be back." Ben said walking over to the counselor.

I heard a girls voice behind me say, "I heard her and Ricky slept together." Another voice said, "I heard she's pregnant, I mean look at her."

"What a looser, she thinks Ricky will have sex with her." Another voice said. I could hear so many voices and they were about me and him, everyone knows.

Madison and Lauren cam running over to us. "We have an amazing idea. Wait does she know?" Madison said looking over at Ashley.

"Yes I know." She said. "Well we were thinking maybe you try and sleep with Ben and pretend it's his baby, I mean he has money. It's the best solution." Lauren said. Wait what?

"What no, Bens to be hurt like that and I can't lie to the father, plus he's too smart for that. But I don't even like Ben." I whispered. I threw a glance at Ricky and saw him watching us. Fuck.

"Wait why are you wearing the drummers jacket? Wait why is he staring at you? Wait, wait, wait, the drummers in the band." Madison said. No no no.

"Anyone in the band can go to band camp. Amy no." Madison whispered as she looked up at me in the eyes. The eyes that held so much fear.

"Amy, no not him." Lauren said. "Wait that's the guy? I'm gonna kill him." Ashley said.

"No your not, and none of you are going to say anything thing unless it's absolutely necessary like life or death, or when I am ready to tell him." I whispered.

"Um, he's walking over here." Ashley whispered.

Shit, no, no, no. I took off his jacket and straightened out my clothes. "Hey Amy." He said from behind me.

I turned around, announced clear on my face. "Here take your damn jacket back and leave me alone." I seethed, throwing the jacket at him.

Everyone stopped, the Dj turned the music off. I felt my heart begin to race rapidly. I felt as if I was in a sauna.

"Hey, leave my date alone." I heard Ben yell from behind Ricky. I put a hand to my head shaking it in frustration, announce and their stupidity.

"Bens going to get himself killed." I mumbled.

Ben launched at Ricky, attacking him, Ricky fell to the floor not expecting it. Ricky pull Ben off and punched Ben in the face.

"She was mine first drummer boy. Back off." Ben seethed. "She's not something you can claim, she's a person with feels, not your property to toy with to get Grace, how about you go cry to your dad about it and have him buy you something rich kid punk." He snapped back.

Did he just defend my honor? Fuck, why does he keep doing these things.

The music turned back on as the two continued to fight some people kept watching the rest went back to partying.

"How embarrassing, their fighting over some slut." I heard another girls voice say.

"Enough." I yelled. Everything once again stopped.

Before I knew it I collapsed, falling to the ground and passing out. I drifted into darkness only hearing people yell my name, "Amy, OMG Amy."

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