Chapter 3

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No one's POV

Ricky caught Amy before she could fully hit the ground.

He laid her down onto the ground and placed her head in his lap.

Grace, Jack, Ben, Adrian, Madison, Lauren, and Ashley all sat down next to her.

Grace checked her pulse. "She's breathing, but not normally, her heart is going slow. Call an ambulance." Grave quickly said.

Ashley, Madison, and Lauren all eyes Adrian as she pulled out her phone, they all shared the same look and Ashley threw the phone across the room.

"What the hell Ashely." Grace snapped "we're trying to help Amy." She said, glaring at the girl.

"What do we do?" Ashley whispered to the other two. "I mean she did say life or death. Screw it, their going to to find out soon anyways." Ashley said.

"Hey, Amy, come in wake up." Ricky muttered to her, he stared down at the poor girl, he blamed himself for getting her so worked up all day long.

Madison called an ambulance while Ashley called her parents to meet them at the hospital.

"Wait what do you mean by find out? Find out what?" Adrian asked. They all ignored her.

"Ben get the fuck out of my face before I ring your throat out." Ricky yelled. So he did, Ben walked away and Jack followed.

Adrian looked at Ricky, she had never once seen him so worried for someone other than himself. What made Amy so special? She thought.

"I'm so sorry Amy, I should have just left you alone like you asked, I'm so sorry."  Ricky said, a tear going down his cheek.

"I should have made her eat something. Dammit, with what's going on right now I should have made her eat something, she hadn't eaten since lunch. Come in Amy, wake up right now. Wake up or I'm going to to have to tell everyone in this room your secret and I definitely don't want to have to tell our parents on my own because their on the brink of divorce and fight every five minutes. Please Amy fight, please just wake up dammit." Ashley begged, tears streaming down her face.

Madison and Lauren were crying next to her, they were terrified for their pregnant friend.

They heard a gasp for air. "Amy, oh my god. Your okay." Ashley said, Amy sat up and hugged her sister tight. "I'm okay, we're okay." Amy whispered in Ashely's ear.

"Don't look now, but you almost gave Ricky a heart attack. Amy he really cares, tell him." Ashley whispered in Amy's ear.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital now. Mom and dad are already on their way." Ashley said. Ashley helped Amy stand but when Amy let go she almost fell again.

"I've got you." Ricky said catching her. "Just lean on me, I've got you." He whispered. Amy was so weak she didn't care to fight it.

He picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the school as they waited for the ambulance. Amy leaned her head in his chest and small smile appeared on her face, he felt so warm, so soft, so comfortable, it just felt right for her to be in his arms.

"Thank you Ricky." Amy mumbled. "For what?" He asked.

"Defending my honor." He said snuggling up into his chest and closing her eyes. But not sleeping she wasn't going to scare anyone.

They heard the loud sirens before they saw the ambulance.

The paramedics ran out of the ambulance and brought out the gurney. "Is this the 15 year old that collapsed?" They asked Ashley, she nodded her head and looked back at her sister who looked so peaceful in Ricky's arms. "Can I talk to you while your friend starts helping set up my sister, it's important." Ashley said.

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