Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

Ashley and I walked out to the car, we stood outside waiting for our parents to pick us up from the hospital.

"Ash, don't tell them about what the doctor said about me not really being able to have children. I don't want their fake concern, especially moms. If they know they would quickly let me keep the baby but if they don't I get to know how they truly feel about me. I need to know who's really on my side." I said looking over at her she gave me a tight hug and broke away when she saw the car pull up.

"Here we go." I muttered under my breath. My dad got out of the car and took my bags from Ashly and put them in the trunk.

"Hey Ames. How you feeling? Do you want us to stop and grab something to eat or no?" He asked.

"Dairy Shack." I said. He laughed at my excitement. "Alright peanut." He said. He got in the car and I sat in the seat behind him.

We drove in silence until mom realized dad missed the turn to go home. "George you missed the turn. Where are we going?" She said irritated.

"Dairy Shack." I sang out. "What? Amy you can't have Dairy shack. It's going to make you bigger and then everyone at school will know your pregnant in no time." My moms word cut like a knife.

"Wow you can't even last five seconds mom." Ashley snapped. "She is getting her diary shack, it is totally okay for you to eat it while pregnant, I asked the doctor knowing you and he said that it would be a great source of nutrients for you and the baby." Ashley defended, shutting our mom up. I mouthed a simple 'thank you'

We turned into diary shack and we all piled out of the car. We waited in line and I watched as cars drove by and other high school students hangout with their friends.

I turned back in front of me when it was our turn in line. I order my food and then stepped to the side. I walked over to an empty table with an umbrella and sat down.

"Oh. Hey Amy." I turned my head and it was Grace. "How are you doing? What did the doctor say?" She asked.

"Oh, I just hadn't had enough food and that's why is passed out, they got my blood pressure back to normal and then the just released me this morning." I said.

"I know this isn't a good time or anything but I just wanted to know are the rumors about you being pregnant true? If so I think that it's an amazing thing and you will be a great mom. And I have you in my prayers." She said.

"Thank you Grace, and yeah their true. Anyways you should probably get going it looks like Jacks waiting for you." I said. She smiled and waved bye. Then walked away just in time before my family came over with all of our food and drinks.

Ashley handed me my tray of food and sat next to me while our parents sat across from us.

"What did Grace want?" My dad asked. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know how I was doing. And if the circulating rumors at school are true." I mumbled the last part so they wouldn't hear.

"Oh, well that was nice of her." My mom said. We continued to eat our food in silence, everyone scared to poke the bear.

Once we finished eating we drove home. We walked inside the house, flipping on the lights. "Amy we need to talk about this."

"I'm going to to lay down. We can talk later." I said walking back upstairs. I closed my bedroom door and threw on some more comfortable clothes. I laid in bed drifting off to sleep.

I woke up hearing whisper yelling outside my door. I heard my door slightly open and pretended to still be sleeping. I heard a sigh, "good she's still sleeping." I heard my dad say. He closed the door, only leaving a crack open.

"Anne enough of this okay. Amy is having a baby and she needs you on her side, not being another person harassing her about how she got pregnant. As her mother and someone who had Amy at 22 you should be more understanding." My dad said.

"No George. She made a stupid mistake and I am not letting my 15 year old daughter have a baby she will do what I tell her and give it up for adoption because abortion is not an option and neither is her keeping the baby. This is all your fault George if who had been here maybe she wouldn't have gone and had sex at band camp." My mom snapped back at him. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, my mom hates me.

"No Anne, that is her choice your not going to force or manipulate her into giving up the baby unless that's what she really wants and if she wants an abortion she can get one. Personally I think she should keep the baby because that's her child her baby and my grandchild." I heard my dad say. He really only wants what's best for me. My mom wants what's best for her.

As much as I want the baby I might have to get an abortion, I can't break apart my family and I don't want my child thinking their family doesn't love them.

I heard my mom storm down the stairs and my dad into their room.

I got up and changed into some light weight closed I called an Uber and snuck out the window. Leaving a note on my bed.

I carefully snuck through the bushes and walked down the sidewalk to my Uber.

I got in and gave him the directions to the free clinic.

Once we got there I paid the man and walked inside. I checked in and waited for my name to be called.

"Amy Juergen's." A nurse called. I walked up to her and she took us back into a room.

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