Chapter 9

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Amy's POV

I sniffed as I grabbed my books for band out of my locker. My eyes hurt from crying last night and then again this morning, they hurt even more as I try to hold back more tears. I still can't believe she left. At least I still have Ash, my dad and Ricky.

"Hey Amy." Madison and Lauren say. I close my locker and lock it. I walk away as if I didn't hear them, I felt dead inside.

I walked to the band room, it was empty. I closed the door and set my things down I let out a frustrated sigh and started hitting the wall.

I felt a hand grab the hand hitting the wall and pull my body into them. I took in the scent, Ricky's scent. He just held me, rocking us side to side.

"What's wrong?" He whispered. I felt the liquid run down my cheeks once again. I let out a sob as I tried to breathe.

"My mom felt. She left us Ricky. She left when I need her the most. And it's all my fault. She felt because of me, because I'm a disappointment, a disgrace." I cried more remembering the things she called me before she left.

Ricky slowly brought us down to the ground. We just sat there in silence. "It's not your fault Amy. Your mom was looking for a way out for a long time, she used this as an excuse. I remember you telling me at band camp that your parent's marriage was falling apart and that your mom was probably going to leave, she just needed an excuse." He whispered.

"Thank you. For not leaving, for staying when you could have so easily ran." I whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere Amy. We can do this together, co parent and raise our child." He said.

We sat there for a while longer before the bell rang.

We went into the band class room and sat in our seats, I just want class to end.

Once class was over I walked out into the hall and headed towards my locker.

"How stupid could she have been to get pregnant? Poor Ricky now has to stay around that pathetic girl. She's not even pretty. I bet the sex was so bad for Ricky, I mean look at her." A girl said.

I rolled my eyes and ignore it. "Omg did you hear Amy Juergen's is pregnant with Ricky's baby. That poor baby. Why doesn't she put them all out of their misery and get an abortion." I heard another girl say.

Was it really that noticeable? Or did Lauren and Madison blab to the whole school?

After the girls last comment, and the anger towards my mom for leaving I lost it. I slapped my locker door hard, everyone's attention snapping to me.

"Enough, with the side comments or whispering. So what if I'm pregnant get over it. My baby is not someone you get to gossip about. It's a living breathing thing that is growing inside me. Get over yourselves. You all are so immature. Don't you have anything better to do than gossip about me and my baby? It's not your life so stop talking about it." I snapped, yelling to the whole school.

Silence was all that filled the halls. Everyone bewildered by my outburst. "Stop staring, and close your mouths you'll catch files." Adrian said. They all snapped out of their haze and went on with their lives.

"Thank you." I said to her. "Anytime. I want us to be friends. You're a very nice person Amy and I could use a friend like you and Grace, maybe you can get me back into shape, help me become a better person. I mean you made Ricky a better person by just being you. Don't let what their saying get to you, your great person Amy Juergen's and their just jealous." She said.

"I would like that Adrian. I wouldn't even mind being friends with Grace  she's very helpful. Us girl got to stick together." I said. We walked to class together and continued to talk.

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