Chapter 8

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Amy's POV

"Hey, hey Amy wake up. We're here." Ricky whispered shaking me awake.

I groaned and sat up. I looked around and we were at a baseball field.

Ricky got out of the car and opened my door for me. "I can still open my own door. I'm only two months pregnant not 8." I teased at his silliness.

I got out of the car and looked around some more. "What are we doing at a baseball field?" I asked.

"I'm going to tech you how to hit a ball." He said as we entered into the cage. He put a helmet on my head and then one on his.

He turned on the machine and grabbed a baseball bat. He started swinging and hitting the balls. "Your really good at that. Have you ever been in a team?" I asked.

A large grin appeared on his face. "Yeah I was in a little league team but I stopped playing when I lost interest and had to move to a new foster home." He said.

"Okay now your turn." He said handing me the bat. I stood in a stance similar to the one he just had. I swear I look ridiculous.

A ball came flying at me and I tried to hit it but missed the ball ended up landing next to my feet.

I heard a chuckle escape Ricky's mouth, a large grin on his face. "It's not funny." I said.

"Here let me help you." He said walking over to me and moving my body into the proper position.

"Your going to swing like this." He said placing his hands on top of mine and motioning the bat how it needs to be swung.

There was another ball that was shot out of the machine and together me and Ricky hit the ball, sending it flying. "There you go." He said looking down at me.

"Thank you. And thank you for distracting me from what awaits me back home." I said handing back him the baseball bat.

He took it in his hand. "Your welcome." Was all he said.

We continued for a little bit longer until we decided it was time to go. We walked out of the cage and went over to our stuff.

A sudden loud slow clap startled me. We turned around towards the noise.

"You must be Amy, the girl my son got pregnant. I went by your house to introduce myself and offer some financial support with the baby but your parents said you weren't there. But we had a nice chat and how they were grateful I was willing to help." The brown haired man said.

The way he spoke sent chills up my spine and worry throughout my body. Ricky stepped in front of me, holding that bat high in defense.

"You stay the hell away from her, from my baby and her family. You stay the hell away from me Bob. You are no father of mine." Ricky seethed at the man.

"I just wanted to come say hi and that I'll see you around when I get back in town." The man, Bob said. He turned around and walked back to his lime green car.

Once the car was gone Ricky's features relaxed a bit. "Ricky, are you okay? Who was that?" I asked.

He turned around and I could see tears on the break of falling. I could see nothing but fear and worry in his eyes.

"He's my birth father, I'm in foster care because he sexually assaulted me as a kid and one day when I didn't care if I lived or died I told my teacher and eventually he went off to jail. Amy I'm so sorry, I won't let him anywhere near you or the baby. I will find a way to send him back. I promise. I won't let him hurt you, either of you." He said letting his tears fall.

I didn't know what to do except hug him tight. "I know you will. And I know you would never hurt our baby. I have to get home, he was at my house and who knows what lies he told my parents." I said into his chest.

He wiped my tears off my face and we walked back to his car, the ride to my house was silent.

He pulled up to my house and parked the car. "Do you want to come in?" I asked him.

He looked over at me, giving me a small smile. "No, you should have the night to talk with your parents. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He said.

I got out of the car, I can't believe I will finally get to go back to school tomorrow.

I waved to Ricky one last time before walking through the door. I closed it behind me and walked to the kitchen.

"AMY." Ashely yelled running up and hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.

"Thank you for sending him." I whispered. We broke apart as our parents walked over to us.

"Amy. Where have you been? We need to talk about it and that Ricky character." My mom said.

"It's not an it, it's my baby. And what about Ricky?" I said in defense, crossing my arms.

"His biological father stopped by and told us how Ricky is a liar and a manipulator. His father wants to help out financially. Said that Ricky isn't going to step up and help." My dad said.

I turned my body towards him. "Dad, Bob is the liar and manipulator. He sexually assaulted and abused Ricky as a child. Night after night. Until one day when he didn't care he told his teacher and eventually the police came and arrested Bob. Who knows what he'll do to Ricky now that he's out. Or what he would do to the baby. For all I know he could try and sell him or her. What I do know is I can trust Ricky and that he'll be here for the baby." I said, taking a stance.

"Amy who told you that, Ricky? How do you know he's not lying? You can't trust him." My mom said. She can't be serious?

"Anne, people don't lie about being sexually assaulted and abused. But Amy how do you know he's going to be there for you and the baby?" My dad said.

I placed a hand on my stomach as a tear rolled down my cheek, as I remember what I almost did today.

"Because today I went to the free abortion clinic. I almost did it but Ricky showed up and stopped me from making a horrible decision. He knew I couldn't do it. I almost killed my child and I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. We decided that we are going to co-parent. No abortion, no adoption. Just us raising the baby together." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Amy you are not having a baby at 15, you will give it up for adoption, end of discussion." My mom yelled. I was taken back.

"That's not your decision mom. When I saw my baby on the screen I knew I couldn't hold my child and then hand it off to someone else. I knew I wanted my baby, even if it's hard. It's my baby and I'm keeping it." I yelled at her.

"Fine, the. Have the baby without me here. I'm done with you being childish and not making the right decisions. You're such a disgrace and a disappointment Amy. Goodbye." She said storming out of the house. We saw the car lights pull out of the driveway and she drove off.

"It's going to be alight Ames." My dad said pulling me and Ashely into a hug, Ashely on the other side of me. We stood there in the hug for what felt like an eternity. My mom really just left us.

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