Mastermind Taelin x Mastermind Gonta Gokuhara x Mastermind Shuichi Saihara Angst

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"Puhuhuhu, it seems that Kaede Akamatsu, Kokichi Ouma, Kaito Momota,& Miu Iruma are wrong that Tsumugi Shirogane is the Mastermind, the real 3 Mastermind's are...." Monokuma said.

Poof, there stood Gonta Gokuhara, Taelin McRae, and Shuichi Saihara wearing their mastermind clothes, the three of them are sitting together in the class trial Mastermind throne.

"Is us, darlings." Mastermind Taelin said while Mastermind Gonta and Mastermind Shuichi looked at Miu, Kokichi, Kaito, Kaede, with sickening grins.

"So, what is the emotion that you are feeling, is it....." Mastermind Shuichi looked at everyone.

"Betrayal??" Mastermind Gonta asked.

"...." Miu said nothing while lowering her head down in hopeless shame.

"Sadness???" Mastermind Shuichi asked.

"*sobs*" Kaede cried.

"Or is it, Rage????" Mastermind Taelin asked.

"Taelin, Gonta, and Shuichi, snap out of it will ya, I- I don't know if it is true, do I have to---" Kaito's sentence was cutted by Mastermind Taelin saying the same sentence.

"Knock some Hope's senses to you, that is what you're going to say something like the same sentence like after Himiko Yumeno's execution, am I right, Momota-kun???" She asked while Kaito stayed silent.

"Hahahahaha, you thought that the three of us were friends, Kaito, you are so blind that you can't see it through the fact of the killing game within the Mastermind's." Shuichi said while looking at Kaito.

"Even though the fact that Miu and Kokichi have been noticing that the population votes of fan favorites in two Danganronpa fiction's while being alive after we rewrote the scripts." Gonta said after Miu and Kokichi widened their eyes in fear after hearing what Gonta had said.

"Oh the irony...." Mastermind Taelin said while smiling.

"The feeling of trustworthy of the people that are Mastermind's...." Mastermind Shuichi said

"That is......" Mastermind Gonta said.

"TRUE DESPAIR!!!" Mastermind Taelin, Mastermind Shuichi, and Mastermind Gonta said together while the other people felt Despair with no hope.


To: EricTheGamer6000X, I hope you enjoy it and love it.

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