Taelin's losing her emotions?!?!?! Part 2/????

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To: EricTheGamer6000X


Taelin:.... Hooray, I have no emotion anymore.....

Taelin said while feeling emotionless, but GG and the others don't like Taelin to lose her emotions

GG: No Taelin, no Hooray for being emotionless, we are going to bring your emotions back.

Rarity: Dehya, Loona, Jonathan, Bob, Optimus, and Mitsuri, we need you guys to watch on Taelin while me, GG, Amy, Rengoku, Gyomei, Superstar Kira, Giyu, and Giorno started to look for Taelin's emotions around the world, however it's not going to be very very very easy.

Loona: Okay Rarity, alright Taelin, let's go to the mall tod---

Loona's sentence was cutted by Taelin now disappeared, meanwhile with the Pink Taelin of happiness is spreading happiness around the city mall. (P. T means Pink Taelin.)

P. T: *giggles of excitement* I wonder if I can make bubblegum trees...

GG and the others are spy on P. T, and they need to trap P. T in the emotion crystal shard so they can have Taelin to feel happy of the P. T emotion.

Rengoku: it seems that this Taelin has the happy emotion and has the ability to turn something into sweet treats, cute animals, and other happy things.

Giyu: But I don't think that everyone needs this much things from the happy Taelin...

Giorno: So let's try to distract the Happy Taelin before everything becomes happy things.

Amy: But who's going to distracted the Happy Taelin???

(To be continued....)

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