Taelin and GG tries the Grimace shake

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Hey my sweet lovely cookies, I am going to create an GG and Taelin tried the Grimace Shake, few days ago, I've watched a few shows about everyone trying on the Grimace Shake on Grimace's birthday, so I decided that I would try doing it on Wattpad, I hope you enjoy.

In McDonald's.

GG: and then, an mean lady called an "Karen" came up to me while trying to flirt with me and said "Hey Handsome man, do you want to leave this place and come with me, I can be your new girlfriend??" And then, I looked at her with an menacing face and said to her "No Karen, I already have a girlfriend and it's not you." Before she can do anything, I ran away from her and I left Walmart for good.

Taelin: Serves her right for trying to flirt with you. Hahahaha.

GG: Hahahahaha.

Few minutes later, Taelin and GG sees an purple Shake or 2 in front of them.

Taelin: So GG, do you want to try the Shake??

GG: Sure.

GG and Taelin tried the 2 weird purple shakes, at first, they thought it was a joke, but they felt something, an few minutes later, GG isn't feeling no signs of a weird sense of an purple creature, but Taelin is feeling signs of a weird sense of an purple creature, GG looked at Taelin before feeling a little scared and shivers in fear.

GG: Uh, Angel Wolf??

Taelin twisted her head at GG, looked at GG with a scary and creepy face, her hair is messed up, her wolf ears are bend down like it was almost an hunting season, her normal purple eyes are glowing bright purple like flashlights lighting up from the dark, and gave GG an creepy weird smile on her face.

Taelin: Yes, my sweet pancake, do you need something??

GG: Uh-oh.

GG stands up from his seat, starting leaving McDonald's while leaving Taelin behind for a while, but he heard something thumping sounds, GG looked at behind him and sees Taelin chasing after GG in her werewolf form.

Taelin: My sweet pancake, where do you think you are going?!?!

GG: Ahh!!!

GG kept running like his life depending on it, during midnight, in the forest, GG kept running away from Taelin, he still heard Taelin coming to him, he has to think of something and fast, during the cat chase, GG looked at Taelin silently, Taelin tried to sniff out GG's scent, Taelin ran to a different direction, GG looked away from Taelin, sees an abandoned penthouse, he decided that it maybe a good idea to hide in there, you ran into the abandoned penthouse, close two front doors after you came inside of the penthouse, locked 2 doors and 2 windows in each room, after GG finished locked the last 2 windows of the very last room, you breathe of the relieve, but what GG didn't know is that Taelin is right behind GG, smiles creepily at GG, and pounces on GG.

Taelin: I found you, and I won.

For: GGamer6000

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