Y/n gets adopted by werewolves Part 1/2

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Fluff au




Y: *is trying to get away from the mean Harpy's* I need to go back to the village and get away from--- AAAAHHHH!!!!! *got lifted up by an mean Harpy male 6 and his 3 mean friends*

Mean Harpy male 6: *laughs rudely* Well, well, well, what do we have here, an weak human meal for us to eat on, so easy for us to grab on to.

Y: Pl-Please don't eat me for lunch, I won't tell anyone about, somebody, anybody, help me!!!!

*then, an snarling sound was heard not too far from the scene, then, an brown fur colored male wolf runs to you and attacks 4 mean Harpy males, after the battle, 4 mean Harpy males flew away after you were dropped off on the ground*

G: Phew, that was close, sorry for those Harpy's chasing after you, they were very very very very hungry, it seems that we haven't introduced ourselves, allow me to tell who I am, my name is GG, the Taelin's new husband and the new father of me and my sweet's child, what is your name??

Y: I'm Y/n L/n, and I am a orphan.

G: An orphan, I'm sorry for you not having a family, but I have an idea, hop on my back, I will take to our home. *gets on his 4 feet*

Y: Okay. *jumps on GG's back*

G: Hold on tight little sugar cookie. *stands up on his 4 feet and started running really really faster to GG and his love's house*

*in the mansion*

?: *walks to his honey cakes* my darling, where were you at, and who is that little girl?

>To Be Continued>

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