Gonta Gokuhara x Taelin: "Our little butterfly." Angst to Fluff oneshot.

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*In Octavia's wedding day, Octavia is getting ready for her wedding day, she is getting married to Michael, Octavia's 2 best parents, Gonta Gokuhara and Taelin are getting ready for the wedding of Octavia and Michael, however, during the wedding vows, the wedding guests, wedding priest, and Octavia's parents are waiting impatiently for the husband to come into the wedding podium, until Amy stands up from her seat, walks to the wedding priest, and told him everything about what she's seeing in her phone and shows it to him, the wedding priest walked to Taelin and told her everything, Taelin stands up from her seat, Gonta, GG, Octavia, and the whole wedding guest looked at Taelin in confusion while Taelin's walking to the wedding podium*

Taelin: Attention, I am sorry for interrupting this wedding day, but it appears to me that Michael is not coming to the wedding because he is cheating on Octavia McRae with a new beautiful girl named Tori, therefore, I declared that Michael will be fired from the McRae family business building today, gets divorced by Octavia McRae, and we'll give a piece of Micheal's karma.

*Everyone heard Taelin's announcement, gasped in surprise while looking at each other and whispers in the ears, that is not until Octavia felt unhappy, sad, disappointed, frustrated, and leaves the church while crying, at home during nighttime, Octavia kept crying in her room for what she had heard about what had happened at her wedding day, Octavia phone called Michael and said she'd divorced him while she told him that Taelin fired him, and ended the phone call, outside of Octavia's bedroom, Taelin and Gonta started to feel worried about Octavia, Taelin knocked on Octavia's door softly*

Taelin: Octavia, are you feeling okay in there??

Octavia: N-No momma, I am not okay...

Gonta: May we come in, Octavia??

Octavia: S-Sure dad..

*After the conversation, Taelin and Gonta started hugging Octavia while Octavia hugs Taelin and Gonta back*

Taelin: No need to feel despair Via, we are here for you, and we will always be there for you no matter what.

Gonta: You will never see your ex-husband ever again.

Taelin & Gonta: We love you, our little butterfly.

Octavia: I love you too mom & dad.

To; EricTheGamer6000X

From: Me.

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