Drunk Bob velseb x Taelin: "Sorry my beauty, we're drunk." Funny One-shot.

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Featuring with: GG x Amy.

To: EricTheGamer6000X

*During midnight in the bar, Bob Velseb and GG are really drunk, and they did really really really funny things while getting drunk, but when Taelin and Amy arrived at the scene, they decided to take pictures of them and show them once they are done getting drunk, after 2 days later*

"Ugh, my head hurts so bad and I wonder what last, I need to go ask my beauty, Taelin, of what happened.." Bob said while getting himself out of the bed, walks to the kitchen and has found Taelin making breakfast sandwiches with hash browns.

"Morning my red devil." Taelin said while looking at Bob.

"Morning my beauty, can you tell me what happened last night??" Bob asked while looking at Taelin.

"You and GG were drunk last night, when me and Amy say goodbye, while you and I are at home, you said something about having an family of our own, and after it, I put you into bed and make sure that you are comfortable while sleeping, so right now, I am pregnant with your children." Taelin said after explaining about everything.

"Okay-- Wait, did you just say that you are pregnant with my babies??" Bob asked while looking at Taelin with an confused face.

"Yeah, and here are some funny pictures of you and GG getting drunk." Taelin said while showing pictures of Bob and GG getting drunk.

"Oh God..." Bob said while blushing of embarrassment.


"Amy, I am sorry for being drunk..." GG said while looking away from the pictures.

"It's okay GG." Amy said while smiling at GG.

The end.

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