Anxious Habits

550 16 39

Requested by Anonymous

Request: "Can you make the reader scratch their arms until it's all bloody and sticky and have Gwen find out and comfort them?"

TW⚠️: Mentions of blood due to self-harm 

You were a nervous wreck; you had just been fired from your job at the Daily Bugle because Jonah J Johnson's bagel had a lack of cream cheese on it, and he went on one of his usual tantrums but when he bumped into you, causing your coffee to spill on you but mostly him he yelled in your about how you no longer have a job there. 

You were told by your boss MJ that she would speak to him and try to get you re-hired but it was best if you went home for the day, so now you were nervously pacing back and forth in your living room, scratching your arms like mad. 

You were always a scratcher, it was how people knew you were lying, if you tried to lie (Which you weren't good at in the first place) you'd subtly scratch your arms, it was a stress reliever as whenever you felt horrible, guilty, or panicked your body would get all itchy and irritated. 

But it did have consequences, sometimes you'd do it for hours on end, tearing your skin as you'd just sit there and bleed as you find a new spot to scratch, and other times it was just a nice sensation as whenever you felt anxious or stressed your body would become itchy and irritated, kind of like a nagging feeling inside your body wanting to be dealt with. 

So right now, you were pacing the bathroom back and forth, trying to come up with an explanation to tell your girlfriend the news, you were too lost in thought to hear the key lock click open, followed by the soft padded footsteps as they entered the apartment. 

"Baby? Are you in here?" Your lover's sweet, slightly raspy voice called out, you turn around to see her poking her head through the slightly ajar bathroom door, looking around the small room before her eyes land on you as you were stuck looking at her in surprise. 

"I didn't hear you come in," you murmur, realising your voice was gloomy sounding you quickly clear your throat, but that doesn't help in pushing down the dreading feeling that was currently coursing through your entire veins as all you saw was her looking at was a big disappointment. 

"You left the door opened," she chuckles quietly as she pushes the door further, walking into the small room with you, but her smile falters when she catches on to your distressed appearance, your sleeves were rolled up, red scratch marks along your skin poorly decorated with small cuts and tears from your fingernails as you had clumps of dried up blood in some places you hadn't scratched in a while, some of the blood sticky as they were in the midst of drying up, your eyes were droopy and bloodshot, as if you had been crying, which you done, all in all, you were a wreck. "Baby... what's going on?" She asked worried. 

"I uhm..." You struggle to come up with words, the letters and syllables leaving your brain as you look at her like a deer in headlights, "I got... fired today..." you mumble sadly, expecting her to get angry, to yell and scream at you about what a failure you were which caused you to scratch under your wrist. 

"Oh sweetheart," she whispers softly, walking up to you as she pulls you into her arms for a much-needed hug, "Your boss didn't appreciate you enough anyways," she speaks with slight malice towards your ex-boss, she had always hated how he treated you, disrespect, sexist comments, constant undermining of your abilities, that man was as good as a pile of mature in her eyes. 

Your arms wrap around her torso, your hands looking under her armpits to let your hands meet her shoulders as you rest your head on her shoulder, letting out a mentally drained sigh, it was long and airy, showing just how badly you needed her comfort in this moment as she rubs your back slowly with her palm, but when she felt your arms move closer, trying to scratch at the back of your hands she swiftly pushes your arms back, taking your hands into her. 

"No, no darling," she mutters soothingly, placing two kisses on each of your wrists, her lips brushing up gently against your veins, "This isn't worth beating yourself up over," she says as she gives you those sad, sympathetic puppy eyes that you usually melt for. 

"But I feel like I deserve it," you grumble, unable to meet her eyes due to guilt and shame, "I'm sorry," you tell her sincerely, but her finger hooks under your chin, lifting your gaze to meet hers, her blue eyes holding warmth and sweetness, understanding and patience. 

"You don't have to be sorry for anything," she tells you, "Nothing you did today was your fault, and I can probably testify that your boss is an asshole constantly going through menopause because no one listens to his podcasts," she pokes fun at the man who put you in this state, making you let out a chuckle, and she smiles when she successfully managed to make you happier. 

"Thank you," you say gratefully, leaning into place a small kiss on her lips as she happily returns the affection, pulling you in closer as she leaves small, tiny kisses all over your face, leaving you unable to leave her grasp until you were left giggling and smiling at her like a high schooler. 

"There's that smile," she speaks gently, her fingers running down your jawline as she looks at you with the utmost adoration. "Come on," she says as leads you to sit on the bathroom counter, "Let's get you cleaned up, then we can watch Jonah J Johnson's crappy news reports and make fun of him," she speaks excited, more than willing to take up the opportunity take the mick out your old boss and having an excuse to cuddle you and give you endless amounts of love and affection to make your shitty day a better one. 

"That sounds perfect," you tell her, pecking the tip of her nose, making her nose scrunch up cutely as she nuzzles it against yours, "You're perfect," you tell her finally as you place a long-lasting kiss to her lips, and she keeps it there for a while, but you had no room to complain. 

Word Count: 1070

I hope you all liked this, please let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes. 

Also, I know this prompt was used in my Wednesday One-shot book, the requester asked me to do this idea for both of these stories. 

Love you all, stay safe do drugs <3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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